
What does Q stand for again?

I really quite liked the old G35/37, and it could be had with a manual. It was rough around the edges, but lovely.

Wow, that’s a great deal! I don’t know much about the Spark. But, the tax credits have also reduced the cost of used EVs like the Leaf, etc. by artificially depressing their resale value. If you get money on the hood from the government on a new one, a used one is that much less attractive.

No worries, and thanks for the background.

I agree! I should have used the <sarcasm> tag...I thought I was making an obviously ridiculous statement as a joke, but it didn’t land. Good reminder of how touchy these discussions are these days.

I DruidBoy pointed out, I should have used the <sarcasm> tag in my original comment.

You’re right...thanks for the reminder! (Really).

This is not a sarcastic answer: thank you for giving me a different perspective, thoughtfully written. I had never thought of it this way, and I appreciate it.

I’d like to know how many people pull the trigger on an EV who wouldn’t otherwise because of that $7,500. I have a feeling the number isn’t that large - and whatever it is, are those additional cars on the road worth $7.5bn from the public purse? I doubt it.

You raise a good point...looking at this holistically rather than one technology at a time. It feels weird to be in favor of raising the federal gas tax, but there definitely seems a logic to it.

I’d love to investigate this and tease apart the data to see what could be learned (or even better, talk with someone who already has). I honestly am not sure how effective the subsidy me ignorant. But let’s say, for the sake of argument, that the subsidy puts more EVs in consumer hands and that doing so is

Sorry the joke didn’t work for you, but your hostility is obviously unnecessary and counterproductive.

Perhaps someone should mention that electric cars can, in fact, be powered by electricity generated from coal.

Wow, I had no idea!

Amen. It’s...really not good.

I have personal experience with this scenario, and will try to write it up over on Oppo. I’ve started with a Q&A:

No! No no no no no!

This comment is delightful. Brought back childhood memories, and the “regret nothing” really sold it.

Model 3 owner and previous Tesla fan here.

Thank you for this. Well written and thoughtful—the unloved old minivan stuck around while it was needed.