
Love this but minor nit:

You could exhume a 1903 Curved-Dash Olds driver who kicked it in 1906, zap life back into him with one of those bzzzt Jacob’s Ladder things, take him over to that Tesla, ask him why it’s handling like shit, and I’m pretty damn sure that reanimated Edwardian-era corpse could figure out the problem better than Dippy

Project SlowDevil engine swap!

Glad the pilot’s okay. That said,

That’s actually a kit car built on your old Accord.

This is harder than I thought. The local dealer is fresh out of Veyrons.

This is one of my favorite Jalopnik pieces. Like, ever.

How am I just seeing this quote? You should sell this as an engraved plaque. Well done.

Don’t forget all those participation trophies!

My God I want to give you more than one star for this.

David made it 1,300 miles farther than 99.999% of people ever could with that project.

“Captiva” just sounds like a marketing name for “you’re stuck with it.”

Someone Explain To Me How This Volkswagen Corrado Is $37,000

First Gear: It makes sense for Ford to have more control over its own destiny, and depending on who they hired this could make a lot of sense. Blackberry is such a rainbow-colored hodgepodge of different technologies, some of which could be useful in other parts of the car as well (e.g. QNX).

This is great, thanks for posting! We were just there in person yesterday and would have loved to have this to add to the fun.

Another of those, “if I only had more than one star to give” moments.


My BMW X5 4.8is. Like the one above.

This is a genuinely splendid comment.

Damnit, I’ve never been a fan of the Panamera but this makes me want one.