
The first such experiment, which was not the whole plane, was a disaster.

Well, in defense of us white people, we’re a smug and condescending group. When we say for example, “stand up for what you believe in.” We really mean: “stand up for something that doesn’t make us feel uncomfortable about past actions that quite frankly may be frowned upon.”

NBC didn’t even have anything to show at the time, which makes me think the delay was for something else.

I don’t get it. Touching hands is a lot less physical contact than getting your ass handed to you.

Forget the money. The money is always going to be there.

Because the mosquitoes were all like “dayum!

I love this thread. Guys defending women by invoking images of hate-fucking, berating you for not knowing as much as a “girl”, and implying that you should be violently sodomized with a baseball bat.

He should have known they block all academic department calls.

It’s in the media village, so they clearly did their research and discovered zero is the number of condoms most reporters will need.

Good news for you, they’d never release specific lyrics.

What are the odds he takes a shortcut and becomes a policeman?

You speak the truth.

Nothing’s wrong with his swing, because it works perfectly for him. The problem is that it doesn’t work particularly well for others whose body proportions don’t lend themselves well to those mechanics.

What was wrong with his swing?

This is a pretty fun game, but it is a terrible app.

$1500 a month will buy you a pretty damn nice house in the Midwest. Trust me, all the shit you would be “missing” by moving from the coasts to the Midwest just aren’t worth it, and you really won’t be missing any of it after a short while.

Let’s just hope they washed their hands of the whole affair. With lots of Purell.

Changing your opinion on something based on new facts presented is something an intelligent mind does. If you were still defending PSU at this point (even before these most recent items came to light) it’s pretty safe to say you’re not in that category.

I did not read this article, but the Chinese full on cheated by lying about the age of their gymnasts in falsified passports during the Beijing Olympics. Complete disregard for the rules. So you know what? Anything that gives the US a leg up over the Chinese is alright in my book.