
You’re pretty much in the same spot I am.

Independence Day: Resurgence was one of the weirdest sequels I’ve ever seen in my life.

I’m *aware* of what Mortal Kombat is about. I’ve been playing the series since I hung out in arcades playing the original Mortal Kombat. I’m just saying it feels *to me personally* like the ultra gore has evolved so much that I’m not sure how a fatality that takes minutes to complete and mutilates the enemy really

I have a soft spot for Mortal Kombat as an idea, but I can’t be the only one who is *exhausted* by the fatalities at this point, right? The trailer had me until it got MK 11 levels of gross. That’s probably on me for hoping they would rethink how the gore is portrayed.

Our political system sure is totally cool and not broken at all. 

Hey, what happens when all these old farts finally shuffle off this mortal coil? Can The Villages rely on a steady supply of Gen. Xers once we’re finally rid of this plague of Boomers?

Then I guess I will never play Overwatch 2. Multiplayer isn’t for me, so the lure of being able to explore that world in a single-player setting was the only thing keeping me interested in the game.

And if Supernatural was still going, then it wouldn’t have had that absolute stinker of an ending.

I’m not going to tell you that you’re wrong, but I *super* don’t see it this way. The Ashley of RE4 Remake is vastly superior to the Ashley of RE4. Her growth as a character from a *very understandably* terrified young adult in Hell to someone who found some confidence and inner strength in the face of death was fun

Do people still play this game, or do they just buy the boxes and not open them?

I bought a bottle on a whim yesterday, and I can only describe how it tasted as deeply troubling.

Buddy, I grew up on the FF franchise, but this one is SUPER not what I’m looking for. Totally bummed out by the direction of the mainline franchise.

Well, it sounds like his standoff with police definitely got him something. What a bizarre story.

What I like about that mock cover is that, in retrospect, it looks like the other founders of AEW are paying tribute to the fallen Cody Rhodes.


I’ve had a couple positive pickup/delivery experiences, but *man* do I love in-store grocery shopping. Since I work from home these days, it’s one of my few chances to get out of the house and just clear my mind as I wonder aimlessly through the aisles.

They got RID of the Cinn-a-Stacks? That was the only thing on their menu worth going to IHOP for.

Beefy Crunch or we riot!

If I had to put this list together, I’d have ranked Sunshine as dead last before you even finished asking me if I wanted to rank all the Super Mario Brothers games. There aren’t many games I enjoyed playing less than Sunshine.

I’ve never been as miserable playing a game to completion as I was suffering through Final Fantasy XIII. What a truly awful experience that I was stubborn enough to see though.