
Both are nice, but neither are as good as my Captain Abearica (Steve Pawgers) that my niece bought for her 32-year-old uncle.

Do people really call Hardee’s that? It’s so vastly superior to boring, bland-ass Burger King that I’m unaware there was even a debate.

Not that it matters because I’m gonna get it too, but I’m cool with all of this.

As a Northeast Ohioan, the joke has always been that going to anywhere in Southern Ohio is not only like entering an entirely different state, but like entering a state somewhere in the deep south. Now I have some proof.

I feel like I’ve been saying this a lot lately, but this is (yet again) a completely, 100% accurate assessment of the situation. All of these companies suck, all of the people who either don’t understand or understand and don’t care about why players are protesting suck. This entire thing sucks and is a perfect

What a bunch of snowflakes.

I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt when he says it was a botched effort, but I don’t really have a problem with him standing for the anthem anymore than I have a problem with him taking a knee. That’s the whole point — we have the freedom to make a statement or not make a statement. If he did do it on

I’m white and I got nothing. This is all absolutely, 100% accurate and correct. We white people can’t understand that something could possibly impact people of other colors different than it impacts us. Also, troops.

I found myself more captivated by each turn in that Twitter conversation than I had anticipated. And what a payoff.

Definitely. I get that that’s the joke, but if you take Rick at his word, he brought down an entire intergalactic government and destroyed thousands of versions of himself and his grandson just so he could convince his daughter to get divorced from her husband (an act that will cause nothing but emotional pain to his

I’m stunned that anyone could watch Rick for even one episode and come away thinking he’s an aspirational goal. He’s a deeply, deeply flawed person who is, on his best days, a dirtbag, and on his worst days, the physically embodiment of chaos and utter selfishness.

You know who Ryan Nassib is, Stephen. He’s that guy. You know, the guy from that thing.

I suppose I could choose bandages in my white people flesh color, but what would anyone want to do that for when they can buy Incredible Hulk ones instead?

I thought it was impossible for me to hate a FF game, but then I played 8, 9 and 12.

I had to check to make sure I wasn’t on Jezebel.

Social media remains the worst and also entertaining but also the absolute worst.

I’ll tell you where the $107 million went. You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

Counterpoint: If you’re visiting New York City for the first time, you should absolutely go see Times Square because it’s likely a one-of-kind experience for you and, unlike people who live in New York City, you’re probably not dead inside and hate anything even remotely resembling joy, so you’ll think it’s neat.

I’ve been wondering if something like this existed. Thanks!

From the city name “Vegas” to the team name “Golden Knights” to their color choice (White/Yellow/Black/Red) to their uni designs, I somehow hate every single thing about the Vegas Golden Knights.