
Blind loyalty is how we get got-damnt police unions and the blue wall (of silence)

You think higher of their ability to cape for each other than I do. LMAO, they couldn't even round themselves up for Hillary…

He's not going to jail. This country loooves white women but the loooove white cops policing us more and I'm pretty confident that dude was white (b/c there's no way a black cop is shooting over his partner and through the car w/o getting fired immediately).

I said something negative about Woody Allen a while ago and a co-worker was like, can't you separate the man from the art?? My answer then, like it is now, he11 no. Kelly, Allen, Polanski, Cosby - all those dudes (plus more that I can't remember at the moment) are unapologetic predators and supporting their art

You only need a Bachelor's to be a certified school psychologist in PA.

Stating a fact is not an attack.

The position that he's maintaining is that he has a doctorate which he does not therefore no attack just refuting a lie.

nope. If you have to lie to be heard, then you probably don't need to be heard.

There's no proof he even has that. He submitted a dissertation but we don't know if he defended it so for all we know, he hasn't completed his degree yet. The Root did all the legwork here:…

1. coke - all of it is coke (sprite, dr pepper, fanta, etc =coke)
2. mac and cheese

He probably didn't want to hurt them b/c he'd definitely have caught charges his damnt self. Or when the police rolled up they would have shot him assuming he was the aggressor. We can't win.

I mean, I knew history got re-written over time and all but daaamn

Because it was soooo long ago and none of us were slaves so why can't we get over it??

Your teacher must have been using the earlier version of this textbook that called slaves migrant workers. This is not an Onion article. This is a textbook published. In these here United States (Texas):

Congrats! I'm weirdly proud of you guys, like we're related or something.

Right? If we were such savages, we would have already burned. This. Mother. Down.

I don't remember where I read this but the gist of it was that in general white people (esp. white men) are afraid of becoming minorities because they're afraid that they'll be treated the way they treat minorities.