NOTHING good can come from being in a club in the age of COVID no matter what time it is. Everyone’s the bad guy here.
NOTHING good can come from being in a club in the age of COVID no matter what time it is. Everyone’s the bad guy here.
RIGHT?!?! all this for $7K? I’m not sure the street value of 1.2kg of coke but it’s probably not worth catching cartel action.
I’m just waiting for him to say how he’s going to “disrupt” governing so I can throw up on my keyboard.
I’m willing to change my mind based on new evidence. We’re about 2 months out from the Loki premier and the Disney+ series have been killing it so far. I really didn’t think I’d be as impressed as I was by WandaVision and now FATWS has, so far, exceeded WV imo.
I agree. A couple of MCU threads I’m following want to see what a post-snap world would be like or imply that undoing the snap was wrong. The author wants more stories about the world during the blip. I think that a post snap world would suck very much and isn’t a story that could be made very compelling in a comic…
The worst thing about that bigheaded fool is that he could have used daddy’s money to be a quiet and locally powerful congressman but he insisted on being loud and showing his forehead now look at him. About to be indicted on federal charges brought by his own party and hubris. Even now, he should be laying low he’s…
Yes. I think his presidential campaign was a troll, I think his current mayoral run is a troll, I think those tweets are are a troll. I don’t think he’s a serious human being at all. I think he’s a wanna be tech bro who thinks he’s going to “synergize” his way into office and wing it from there. He’s never held public…
The betrayal on Bucky’s face when she popped out his arm...
I work with virologists and the general feeling is that we’re going to probably need annual shots like the flu because people are assholes and wouldn’t just stay home causing variants we wouldn’t have otherwise (paraphrasing). I also got my shots in January and I’m going to have my titers checked soon and again closer…
What are you worried about come July? Are you worried that it may wear off or that people going out are going to cause a spike in cases and variants?
I never knew this. I don’t own a car anymore so I guess I don’t have to worry about this but it is bullshit. if it’s not obstructing your view, why should it matter?
That is bullshit. I’ve never heard of this so I’ll take your word for it but that is bullshit. What about EZpasses and school passes and loads of other things that could technically “obstruct your windshield”? Right out of high school we used to drive around with our graduation tassels hanging from the rearview…
1. Pulling someone over for having an air freshener hanging from the mirror is a bitch move. Either you have nothing to do or you were looking for anything to pull a black man over.
Alexa, play Man in the mirror...
Thank you! I bought my condo in NYC in 2018 and guess who got fucked over by the new SALT deduction limit?? Hint she’s typing this at work and definitely doesn’t make $250K.
Or she thought she could change him until she couldn’t (or until actual babies would have been involved). She wouldn’t be the first woman to think she could get a guy to come around and be dead wrong.
I can be convinced that a 24 year old didn’t know that word was a racial slur. BUT as soon as you’re told you apologize, take down the tweet, donate to/volunteer with an AAPI organization and be quiet. Don’t blame “the media” for your ignorance. Don’t say you would never do xyz. You did xyz, own it and be better.