
As long as the White Walkers' backstory doesn't involve a hatch, Mitochondrial Eve or midichlorians, I'll be satisfied.

I will be surprised, but not shocked, if next week we get a scene of the WW's siting around the sand table in their war room, chatting it up and arguing about next steps.

I think this would be great, and it seems like another fantasy convention that GRRM would have been happy to set up and then knock over.

This could pretty much be its own show.

Oh, weren't they? :)

Exactly. GoT has also featured the deaths of more protagonists/good guys than any other show I've watched. Do they really have to kill everyone, in a way that seems too soon and unpredictable, for it to be good?

The architecture suggests it gets cold like California, not cold like Minnesota.

I think he literally meant it when he said he'd given up on life and the last thing he wanted to do was check out this new Queen. If that didn't work out, he seemed like he wouldn't really care if she killed him. Nothing left to lose = ballsy.

I think this season will seem much better on rewatch, without the week-long lull between episodes. Which may be true for all of them, but this one in particular.

Yes, I bet he talks her out of it. Maybe Varys has some other Westerosi in mind?

On the other hand, I'd gladly settle for 3 episodes per season of Bronn and Tyrion shooting the shit in some pub. I mean at this point the actors could probably just make it up as they go and I'd watch.

Yeah, the only part I didn't like about the wight's turning out to be heat-seeking killing machines is that it makes the scene where Sam hides behind a rock as the entire army wanders past even more ridiculous.

I say we cut Sam a little slack. His mentor just died, his best friend left, his girlfriend was almost raped, he just lost his virginity, and he's likely still seriously concussed.

I hope Varys rides into Mereen on Drogon, like, "Hey guys, you lose this?"

I thought Qyburn said, "There's another way out of here…", and she interrupted him with, "Confess?!" As if he was about to say something else, then the nun walked in.

Yeah. That moment where the audio switched to something like Jon's POV, with his blood pounding in his ears, was the first time I actually thought the character was in jeopardy. If he'd died in that scene, I would not have been all that surprised.

I imagine the actor who plays Ramsay has had lots of uncomfortable moments with his friends and family the last couple years.

Yeah, that's a good point: weakest link in the chain. So if all the other castles along the Wall — 33 or so, I think? — are equally defensible, I wonder if Jon's real plan is to man them with Wildlings? "Come take this good farmland! Oh, see that Wall over yonder? When you get a chance, go defend your new farmland

Yes, I don't even want to go look up this "Great Job Internet" feature for perpetual fear of GoT spoilers. You guys are the only people I trust.

True. If it weren't for the occasional 3 year long winter, a moat would have been just ducky.