Agree. I've extended that sentiment to the reviews, too. They suck. I just skip straight to the comments.
Agree. I've extended that sentiment to the reviews, too. They suck. I just skip straight to the comments.
| She's everything Cersei could have been if she'd been raised in a remotely supportive environment.
I hope we eventually find out what the heck Jaqhen was doing in Westeros when he met Arya. The more they show him in Bravos, the weirder that seems.
I was surprised that Jorah recognized Tyrion — when would they have met before? Since we never saw Jorah before he was exiled from Westerns, that part is confusing.
Hoping for a deR Wedding.
I agree about Slynt keeping all those details to himself, once he arrived at the Wall. Even though it was probably one of the prouder moments in his KL career, he's not (or wasn't) dumb enough to brag about it to the wrong people.
It doesn't seem like Littlefinger to make that deal with Roose without knowing a lot about Ramsey in advance. Also, it's not like him to tell the truth to anyone, where there's a chance to manipulate them instead.
Good question. Seems like if Jon did know that detail, he'd have mentioned it at some point, at least to Sam, or acting differently towards Slynt when he showed up.
| Maybe it's just a generic "child of Ned is beheading someone" music cue?
LF kind of needs Sansa to buy into his plan, I think, so locking her in a crate for the entire journey probably wouldn't work out as well for him as it did for Varys with Tyrion.
I think the choice to leave him out of the season will make sense if the next time we see Bran he's been significantly transformed; like lots of stuff has been happening with him off screen. Perhaps something along the lines of "you will fly".
If Drogon sounds like the Aflac duck, I'm out.
So there's this glyph inscribed on a crypt wall, and after you kill all the Draugur, you go over to it and the screen goes all whooshy for a second and then you get a new Shout power. But it costs you a dragon soul to unlock.
In that vein, how do we know the Arya who ran away wasn't Syrio in her form, after she'd been killed by Trant?
If there are a bunch of shape shifters in this B&W House, it would be pretty cool if the Jacquen Hagaar face is just a default one they all use from time to time; so the priest in this episode has actually never met Arya before, and her long wait on the steps was for him to ask around (via raven) who the fuck she was.
Can't wait for Jamie and Bronn to start swapping Tyrion stories.
I try to watch the intro without reading the names — I don't want to know!
Now I want to know which one of Cersei's council members is Rove, and which one is Cheney, etc.
That actor is fantastic. He sells every bit of that character.
Then he'll discover that dwarves are the secret to getting dragons to behave, and the Essos plot will instantly become awesome.