
Yeah, I'd forgotten about it tracking the guy all the way to the ground. They spared no expense on the effects this episode, and it was all great.

After reading 1500-2000 comments here each week, I'm surprised I don't dream about this show every night!

He pledged an oath to her. From Dany's perspective, that means everything.

Also, a world-class fighter who writes poetry for his daughters. What's not to love?

Oh yeah, I forgot about Jon being a Stark girl. That's still pretty funny.

I think starting in the middle would be a huge hurdle to enjoying this show. It's one of my favorite shows ever, in part because of all the ways it builds from the initial foundations. I doubt I'd even like it if I hadn't started at the beginning.

That's exactly where I thought it was going. Especially with Tywin sitting there in range, smirking down at the whole thing.

Maybe her defining good quality just got outvoted by her wide range of defining bad ones?

And now, if I could just get a few gratuitous "Hodors", I'd feel like this week's thread was complete.

"I've watched most of the last two seasons to try to learn to love it."
Does this mean you skipped the first two?

The CG of the King's Landing castle behind the arena was great.

It would be pretty great if Oberyn's parting gift to the Lannisters was to poison them all, and they just haven't had dinner yet.

Sorry. Colts fan; couldn't resist.

I see a new Sansa's diary entry above, but this would've also been a good week for a reprise of Stark Girls Are Stark.

Yeah. All I can think is that he doesn't see Ramsay as ambitious, either - ? Roose certainly has shown himself to be a smug fellow, like in his scene with Walder Frey after the Red Wedding.

Maybe Jaime with a surprise assist from Varys? After all, he said he forgets nothing…

Yeah. This this.

Also, the theatrical bits could be part of what makes his fighting style effective, like trash talking. The Mountain might have been rattled a bit by it, since almost every other person he's fought probably faced him straight up and been terrified. Oberyn's twirling somersaults and turning his back to the Mountain…

As head of the house with a flayed man for their sigil, I doubt Roose sees Ramsay as a monster. Probably more like the son who enjoys the family pastime a little more than the rest.

That line reminds me of Theon's, "I'll kill the man who's playing that horn if it's the last thing I do!", and how we later find out that man was Ramsay.