
Also asking me to be grateful for help that self defined “good people” or “not racists” do and being mad at me for calling it out/not being grateful enough is essentially clutching ones pearls calling folks uppity from a historical sense...

So did you mean to accidentally prove my point (I as a WOC need to protect myself and not rely on men or white women to protect me because some of them may not have my best interest at heart

That said, there’s a bit of “beggars can’t be choosers” here. Take all the allies you can get, because the ruling minority doesn’t give a shit about purity testing and will stomp all of us all the same.

I didn’t feel like writing a screed but I guess I have time today. So I’m going to deconstruct some of this in reverse order.

And it’s that line of thinking that’s dangerous. One day your enemy’s enemy looks up and realizes that they now hate you more. Or realize that you and them being equal makes them less powerful in relation. Intersectionality has literally always brought out this dynamic between white women and WOC or POC writ large.

Just in case this OP deletes my reply:

So as long as someone helps me when the bigger bully is hitting me, they’re allowed to hit me too?

I wrote “the typical white feminist response that is defensively sticking up for one’s own intentions.” It’s like saying “this other woman had the typical white male response of #notallmen.” It doesn’t suggest the subject is part of the group that commonly uses that response, it just says that we see the same response

Barnum may not have been in it for the money but I’m betting she saw the opportunity for it pretty early on. She’s from one of the most exclusive (and white) PDX suburbs and used many of her WOM interviews to turn the focus to herself, her marketing savvy and her children’s education (homeschooling and private

Especially when the issue you are protesting about is how agents of the law react to protestors. But remember, calling the cops on POC is white women's standard fallback position.

Thank you for lifting up voices that have been and continue to be integral to Portland, especially now. Teressa Raiford and Don’t Shoot PDX do incredible work. As a non-black, multi-racial person who’s lived in PDX the past decade, I can attest that Portland’s got some issues in the race and diversity department. It’s

Also, why does she think that being a 501(c)(3) means that they are legally protected from criticism?

Don’t forget the embezzlement. This one may be just wanting to grow the org, strike while iron is hot, and her ego told her it belongs to her by rights. The other option is self-enrichment. Predictable indeed.

It’s okay, though. @WallOfMoms is a protected nonprofit now and those that seek to harm it can be punished by law.

“It’s okay, though. @WallOfMoms is a protected nonprofit now and those that seek to harm it can be punished by law.”

You put too much effort into assuaging Betsy’s hurt feelings that BLM isn’t grateful for WOM’s co-opting, betraying ‘help’. She tried desperately to get me with ‘not ALL WOM Moms!’ then ‘ what can I do as an ally?’ then, ‘Guys, it really wasn’t like that!’. But I dismissed her.

nearly *everyone* from the Black women who were ACTUALLY doing the leadership work in WOM, to the well-meaning white ladies who truly wanted to show up for Black Lives Matter, EVERYONE told Bev to step down and stop trying to silence Black voices. We were there to support Black Lives Matter, not “All lives matter,”

We aren’t saying protesting and being a BLM supporter isn’t good, (YAY y’all) but how about advocating and being an ally without taking over. Quoting E.D. Mondaine, the president of Portland’s NAACP speaking on well meaning white BLM advocates, “… show up like we need them to show up and not how they think is best”

Agreed. This appears less like “the Wall of Moms (as a collective) shit on the BLM movement and made it about themselves” and WAY MORE like “someone got a taste of power and influence and let it go straight to their heads”.

Loved almost everything about last night, hopefully the NBA will fully divest itself from China going forward. At least until they stop treating their religious minorities in ways that we enlightened folks should be offended by