I’m leaning towards people who rely on air
I’m leaning towards people who rely on air
I don’t think people in flyover country are dumb. They are deliberately denied information that would empower them to make informed political and economic decisions because their continued powerlessness is crucial to maintaining the current way of things. They’re fed guns and meth and Jesus and football to mollify…
Promoting this so everyone has a chance to laugh as hard at you as I just did.
God, being 17 was great. I remember when I could post a comment like this and really believe every word of it. Don’t ever lose your fire, kid.
Like that period when they hired rank incompetent Michael “the Republican black friend” Steele to run the RNC for a while.
I’m pretty sure that their whole “we need children” thing is subconscious racism. If they bothered to pay attention they would see that the population of the country is growing. But here’s the hitch that bothers them, even though they would never admit it: It’s minorities that are having the most children. For the…
And to attack Hillary so they don't look sexist.
They have majorities in both houses of Congress. Their messaging on these issues resonates with a lot of people. They are better at manipulating people and appealing to their emotions and worries and vulnerabilities. Don’t fall into the “I don’t know how Nixon won, I don’t know anyone who voted for him” trap. They…
Ladies, rape is awful and we feel really bad for you but also you need to give birth and preferably parent the kid if you get pregnant.
A: Rape is a horrific crime that is never the fault of the victim, who deserves prompt and compassionate care.
I believe you meant “are doing” rather than “have done”.
Does he know Christians have done a lot of the same things?
Any time any of these jerks starts bloviating about what Islam tells people to do, I wish a reporter would ask them, “sir, do you read Arabic?” Which, of course, the answer will be no, to which the response is, “then how do you know for sure?”
“any Muslim should “subjugate their religious beliefs to our Constitution””
Remind me again how America was founded as a Christian nation by Christians for Christians?
Yeah! Putting hard working execs like this behind bars simply trying to keep his struggling small business afloat should be a crime all to itself!
“This morning I was awoken by my alarm clock, powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly, regulated by the US Department of Energy.
Kinda like the Iraq war, Afghanistan, Iran 1953, Libya, and now Syria.
My kid is all natural in his down low area. When he was little I just told him, “Take your penis out of its house and wash it very well.” That’s pretty much it.
I got way too excited when I saw you were the first mentioned! Congratulations on being internet famous