
One of my favorite Kim Davis tweets:

This is my President forever and ever the end.

Go and brush your shoulders off..

Judges who know how to detect shade...have readers who know how to detect shade.

Holy Shit it’s called A LIBRARY

Jessica Biel: while this is a worthy endeavor, you, much like the word fetch, are never going to happen.

The only thing Paul’s Christ has in common with the historical Jesus is that he mentions (once) Jesus dying on the cross and raising three days later, and (once) the last supper. He could have gotten those both from the early Jesus cult, but the rest of his authentic letters are all Christ this, Christ that. I don’t

I would disagree (though I don’t want to start a debate). We really have just one source: GMark, that says he existed. All the other gospels copy the narrative from it. We can’t be sure the Q sayings gospel is from Jesus, because the messages in it are different than the messages in the historical narrative. It could

The obvious answer is “From Christians”

Don’t worry, I got your back.

Technically Jesus didn’t come up with it, either. He just had a thing about calling “wailing and gnashing of teeth” on people who disagreed with him. Basically he said that folks who wouldn’t go along with him would suffer, but that’s pretty much in the tradition of the Old Testament. Hell is put together from loose

RE: Killing the fig tree

And why is Jesus tatted up?

I really need to listen to the little voice that says: “Stop reading. Now. You read three sentences, you gave it a fair shot. You know this will not get better. Or go anywhere. And you have over-due library books that you actually like reading.”

I read the whole thing, I wish I didn’t.

All I read, ok skimmed was “Look at me I am mom who works in the porn business and I feel really bad about it. Oh and I drank my own plecenta vodka (WTF) and took mushrooms because my husband looks at porn and it made me feel like shit.” She sounds like she regrets ever having a daughter because she is girl and girls

Having an unconventional, unusual, risky, or rare experience (porn, mountain climbing, making every Julia Childs dish etc) is insufficient preparation for writing good prose. I wish more people got that.