
The real question is can Emma Stone play me?

Those questions drive me crazy. It’s like, “Explain to me how people of color are different from white people. And by the way, you can’t get mad I’m asking a stupid question because that’s being hostile.”

It’s such a defensively white thing to do, tbh. It’s a “but these people look like regular white people and their NOT!” sort of response. I don’t fux with that.

Yaaaaaaaassss. I’m so here for this new crop of teen and YA black celebs getting all up in their afro-futurist feels and daring to be weird in public. There’s room for that and I am SO EXCITED to see what kind of work they’ll be putting out into the world as they get older.


Can you imagine what conservatives, Duggar fans, foxnews watchers, etc would say if there was a show about a black family with 19+ kids & one of them was a child molester? Can you imagine how fucking insane they would be right now?

Like most conservatives, her views become liberal once the issue actually affects her. So, if she or a close relative/friend was molested as a child, she’ll probably rake them over the coals. If she has no experience with it then she’ll welcome them with open arms.

No she has not been alright recently, she has so many backwards views especially on race.

Typical FoxFucker, Miss Megyn is. Wrong on the facts. Wrong on the comparisons. Wrong on the conclusion.

I’m sure Megyn will have some tough questions for them like “how are you and the kids doing? It can’t be easy being so gleefully attacked by the liberal media and the gay extremists.”

The one that goes easy on them as she loves them.

Is this supposed to be some sort of adoring gaze? My dog looks at me like this when I put him in the bathtub.

This will be the biggest soft ball/pander to the foxnews crowd interview of all time.

Suck it Iggy.

You mean the same residents that specifically complained about “African-American residents” making too much noise?

But by all means, white people, keep running down the hallways screaming in a drunken frenzy at 4am.

Are we SURE Donald Sterling is no longer in the apartment business?

“Meanwhile, white residents are encouraged to continue holding their kiddie beauty pageants, beer pong tournaments, motorcycle rallies and Ku Klux Klan meetings in the middle of the night.”

You don’t know Donald Glover!?
