
But they aren’t replaceable because you need a certain skillset to do it. Programming isn’t the same as manual labor.

I bet the SS check coming on time is something that those elderly Repugs consider essential.

Wrong. They only get paid for those days and at the rate that is totally decided by the whims of a Republican-controlled Congress, who already see them as lazy goodfornothings.

I heard Biggie Smalls in the background. Bet you 100 bucks this mayo believes BLM is causing all of the racial strife in the country.

I have some tips as a...ah...viewer of such material

Oh and learn body makeup, you really don’t want to see your nether region zits and stretch marks on the screen.

Be interesting.

Put your damned pets out of the room. It is funny how many people just have sex in front of their pets and film that shit. The dog isn’t going to join in (I hope not), so kicked Fido out.

They’ll find a way to keep him around. Charged or not.

There is nothing “merely” about this. The chain of custody is shit now because of this. None of the evidence in a crime is supposed to end up at the plaintiff’s house anonymously. Because the chain of custody is for shit, it means the information that you have been getting from the police are lies.

1) If, true the previous leak helps Kane. He can claim that no sexual act happened because there were no fluids and that the DNA under her fingernails was from some other innocous activity that happened at the bar

I love how the ref says he is a part of the field. Yeah, buddy, you’re no different from hashmarks, and they don’t fucking talk back when you run over them.

Yeah, referees are a part of the field, no different than a goalpost. So if you don’t move out of the way, ref, you’re gonna get hit.

And when you grow up hearing people who are not white say the n-word defend themselves by saying they have a black friend and it is not a big deal, you can see how she would think saying gay people around her is a good defense.

According to Germans, they ruined an entire economy. Because of the outcome what happened there, smart people don’t speak in generalizations.

You’re putting down an investment, not buying a product. Some investments go bust. Deal with it.

You’ll never be out of these guys’ dating pool. The older you get, the more of a thrill it is for them.

There go your white guy allies, for ya.

Should have went helmet to head.

They’re all sheeple! You figured it out!