
Echos of Bernie Sanders’ supporters regarding black folks. Literally the same damn lines — “He’s done more for civil rights than any of the blacklivesmatter protesters”

Average Chinese consumer can care less about other countries’ IP laws. If international investors wanted to protect it from getting ripped off then they would make them in their host countries. But they don’t because that is expensive and they are greedy.

Like I said before. The Venn Diagram of racists, classist and sexist people overlap tremendously. Just because they said something homophobic doesn’t make their racism that less bad and vice versa.

I didn’t say that anyone did say that. The relevance of my comment was to show how deeply racist this country is. If the country can’t even accept that racism against black folks is real (and we were slaves in this country) there is very little hope that the racism experienced by other minorities will even get on the

So, you are contradicting yourself all over the place.

I guess I learnt - and what I should say here - is that what appeared to be racial abuse was just a facade for plain old bullying. Yes their abuse was completely racist, but that’s not because they truly hated Chinese people through to the core. They just wanted to bully me and racism was something they thought they

Well join the club. Society doesn’t take racism against black people seriously and we were fucking slaves in this damned country.

But I hear the term racism thrown around as if it’s somehow worse than regular bullying. The thing is it isn’t.

Huckabee responded: “No, it isn’t easy. I wouldn’t pretend it’s anything other than a terrible tragedy. But let’s not compound the tragedy by taking yet another life.”

People have been calling Wendy Williams a man for decades. When her pictures first surfaced, people thought she was a drag queen.

UGHHHHHH! Taylor Swift looks so damned goofy on stage. She’s literally fucking up that Beyonce show.

You see, logic isn’t circumstantial. Therefore is no reason why I can’t apply the common sense thinking of cop supporters to this situation. None at all. What harm is there in waiting until the facts come out? What harm is there in waiting for an internal investigation?

What are my convictions? Why can’t I use the common sense thinking of cop supporters and apply it to this?

There’s also no data to support that she has “progressed” either. I’ll continue to hold her accountable for her racism. Her racism doesn’t just wash away because she said she was pansexual.

Fail to see what your problem with my comment was.

How am I being clever?

And if only there was a way to stop reading comments by strangers before I read them. If only.

What are the “tragedies” that you speak of? To cop supporters, the tragedy is a good cop being accused of wrongdoing. Is that the tragedy you are talking about? The tragedy of this man being accused of being a rapist because he had sex with his wife.

I’m not forcing you to do anything. I didn’t even force you to read my comment or to respond to it. I’m simply applying the standards that cop supporters do on to this case. Cop supporters are good people. They are a fair minded people. Applying their common sense thinking cannot go wrong and there is nothing wrong

Whoa! You don’t know if she was kidnapped or not. She could have been in contact with ISIS before hand and went freely while other people were kidnapped. Or they could have all been ISIS supporters and just went freely and people over here are just saying they were kidnapped. What I learned from cop supporters is that