
Kinja, man.

*weeps with pride*

It’s not frisbee-denying per se. It’s just a reminder that all the physical world is an illusion and our attachment to these illusions prevents us from reaching Nirvana. The dog was able to transcend this fiction and yet respected the conceit of the frisbee so that it could remain among us as a teacher.

Well, that's one way to bark up the right tree.

Yogi Berra’s in better condition.

With the way he acknowledged Dorothy Day, I really am amazed by Cool Pope - in a good way. No one’s perfect but for my lifetime (I’m 59) it is pretty damn amazing.

Well he did make her laugh so cry a baby almost fell out of her. From her book:

As much as I like Jon Hamm, I’m wondering why you hate Amy Pohler.

I’ve posted this here multiple times, but it’s worth repeating;

They should paint the 50 black.

Raider-esque. C’mon man.

Fuck yeah Raiders.

If you think that there aren’t 45 year old men listening to Green Day and eating hotdogs and ramen, then I envy your optimism about the human condition.

CMP and Daleiden deny that their actions were illegal and have maintained that they followed both state and federal laws while recording the videos.

If you haven’t read the NAF’s lawsuit, you should. It details all the horrible lying (which, by the way, is a direct violation of the 10 Commandments so not exactly Christian) that the CMP did to get their footage, you should. NAF is even suing them for racketeering violations under RICO because they used multiple

Any chance they’re destroying any incriminating evidence as I type this?

Unfortunately I don't think it'll matter in the court of public opinion. At least not to republicans/evangelicals/fundies/morons etc. . We all saw the debate, the people going after PP don't care about the truth, they never did. These people think rights only belong to white Christians & everyone else is dead to

So they just basically admitted to criminal activity? Sounds about right.

So lots of tongue, got it.