I've done the stadium once with someone on my back when I went to camp there, but I'm a lightweight — I was lighter than 66kg when I did it.
I've done the stadium once with someone on my back when I went to camp there, but I'm a lightweight — I was lighter than 66kg when I did it.
I ate a shoelace and it came out of my ass tied. I shit you knot.
These are all Skyrim noobs except for 11,817 hours up there who, I'm pretty sure, actually IS Skyrim now.
Despite being out for nearly three years, Skyrim continues to be played and well-loved by tons of folks—especially…
I posted this as a reply to someone in the last article, but the comments were a bit better there. I don't want to paste it as a million different replies here, so I'm going to post it once as its own comment (and probably on every pony article until people get the idea). Here is what the creator of the show, Lauren…
The best part of this story is the fact that he couldn't just jump on and beat the ghost. That meant he got to spend a lot of time chasing his dad before he finally caught up to him. That's awesome.