They have to try.
What are you, a Centaur?
He got voted into office for talking shit. In this instance, he’s still just talking shit.
And right now, they are passing out flyers with this info and/or posting to pig forums.
We’re doing this to boost popcorn sales.
Where you think Watergate, I think a circus implosion or that Robot Chicken skit where the clown car gets t-boned and all the clowns get thrown out.
I have to be missing something.
My point is, you shouldn’t need any footage outside of what’s captured by their body cams.
Police say footage from a nearby business shows Fletcher with a gun that was recovered at the scene
Nonsense. She could toss it off the glass or throw herself a lob that bounces just right.
When an 11 year old is crying because you are trying to force them through concrete you don’t get to continue to say stop resisting. She can’t phase through the concrete and will always be in this guys way.
What force of nature trucked Ito Smith like that?
No shots fired equal no air time.
Her problem is when she stuns someone, they react by trying to grab her stun gun.
“Thanks for the update, ______.” = Glad you decided to work today, bud.
I’ve always liked to drop a quick, “going forward,...” into an email to settle procedure and processing differences. Especially, if everyone’s trying to tell me how to do my job, but don’t work in my department. It sets a polite tone, similar to, “As per our current procedures...”
Hey, don’t give him pointers.