
Different strokes for different folks. Different cultures watch different content.

I’m just saying it might not mean you’re a bad person.

They live in glass houses, but think it’s made of one-way mirrors.

I can tell.  But, you have to remember this enabler wants to keep his job and remain close enough to bend the knee to 45. Imagine all the negative press and twitter bashings they’d receive if they truly resisted.

Author: Putin can ride a horse with no shirt on. Wait, what was the question again?

They haven’t sat at the head of the table in a couple of terms. It would be too big a blow on their ego to simply admit they should give up the seat now.

Now see, before I surpassed my limits, I would have clicked on that link. But, I’m an adult now, and will have no parts of the questionable porn you’re linking here.

Rubio only wins this bout because he escalated things from posturing to a passive-aggressive threat.

Simply the best! +1

I mean, you’re right, but I don’t think she was reppin’ that cause.

You don’t have to be black to protest the shooting of black people by law enforcement.

Which is why she was caught in the act.

How can we be sure it’s soda and not sweet tea?

I believe the unwritten rules of recording sporting events for entertainment earned her a moment to shine because she’s got lady parts and a face that’s not generally offensive.

He’s not sorry and he wasn’t afraid for his safety.

he’s trying to give the appearance of a fair hearing

Hey now, just by reading the resignation letter she should not have been allowed to submit, we know she’s not a nazi.

You have to start off with a foundation of Hurricane Katrina survivor videos. Then, you sprinkle in videos of happy African Americans shopping in groups of more than three.

I am eager to make this situation right with the Beaver County Republican Committee and the public at large.

The good news is, it is definitively the best age to stop caring what people think of you.