
I grew up watching cartoons and Kung Fu flicks. After the original Transformers movie, I drifted away from cartoons because USA used to show back to back kung fu flicks starting at noon.


Did you notice the lady in the background? She’s not impressed.

I’ve been on both sides of this move. When it happens to you, you’re not usually prepared to defend that path for the ball to take.

Let’s not go too far.

Yeah, flopping is turrible overall, but there’s a time and a place for it when done lightly.


That wasn’t nearly as bad as him and his wife flaunting gang signs in public

I will sleep on White Tanktop though.

At the 23 second mark:

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding!!!

Because they decide to say shit against their own better judgement.

Fucking beautiful. +1

Because you’re being that person:

When you serenade a talent like LeBron you always go full Pavarotti-mouth.

I shouldn’t complain because I slept well, but I’m having a case of the Mondays. My commute is only 15 mins from one town to the next, but someone in front of me clearly forgot that yellow lights mean hurry up, not stop. My fuse is short.

Throw on some Barry White, cover the bases slowly, and start off a game of Just the Tip.

I wouldn’t have thought you were being paranoid, but I admit to having a complete lack of understanding for a women’s perspective in the past.