
Or a longer football career if he hadn’t insisted on playing only in the NFL?

And the on-deck circle for switch hitters is right behind the catcher.

“Kill hockey in the desert already! It’s not working!”

Ben Carson used to confuse the fuck out of me. Then I saw ‘Get Out’, and NOW he makes sense.

Things Kim thinks are worth punches in the face:

Really makes my dad’s favorite way to threaten me, “I’ll hit you so hard your great grandkids will feel it,” seem way more fucked up.

Dude’s gonna show up in the grays rubbing his lucrative salary in our faces.

I have enough of your antics on Facebook!

“When this great nation was established, the African-American community experienced unemployment close to 0% in certain portions of the country.”

DeVos went on to express nostalgia for “nearly full employment of the antebellum plantation system.”

So if we wind up with a Washington vs. San Jose Stanley Cup final, how can they both choke themselves out of winning the series?

The second and third paragraphs of the article sum up the crux of the argument and rely on verifiable fact. The article is too long and goes too wide, sure, but those two paragraphs are key.

Perhaps you think there’s nothing wrong with the contractor structure, and how nice for you if that’s the case. But the finance

Cotton is so soft.

McConnell looked like he wanted to crawl back into his shell and hibernate for the next seven months, as turtles are wont to do.

Rumspringa training.

Looks like it’s Famine time in the Feaster household

“You play a kids game for a living.”

A vas one at that

However you didn’t mind getting a 4 year free ride at UVA, founded by a slave owner.

This is really shaking my faith in the intellectual honesty of the Tea Party.