
In The Lego Movie, they managed to turn an idea that wasn’t really an idea (Lego... are... movie?) into a zany, heartfelt and brilliantly rendered all-ages entertainment.”

For example, Maggiulli says there’s a big difference between someone who inherited most of their $1 million net worth and someone who saved and invested to achieve the same milestone.”

These are the same people because I am only referring to the people who are the same.

Needless to say, we have a lot of questions about this vaccine and its development.”

Typical false argument. Being against forcing others to help people does not equate to not helping people and certainly not to hating helping people.

If these tech CEOs gave up their annual compensation packages, all that would happen is the average tech developer compensation package would jump from $175k to $350k.”

Interesting -- is the $1 invested somehow *not* spent on something?  Do the companies being invested in just keep bags of cash lying around for fun?  Or do they spend it therefore boosting the economy 1.80 - 1.90 ( your figures ) ever further?

Well since you are here to tell the rest of the Earth’s population what is and isn’t a sacrifice....

You *could* look at this information and become a Socialist .... if you 1) wanted to take away wealth from somebody who’s earned it and 2) wanted to discourage the innovation these people have brought to the world.

What bank has a .01% rate on a CD? What term? That’s nutty!

Trolls will troll on regardless. I hope it brings some joy to your sad, sad, life.

We ..... aren’t.

What problem is this solving?”

(are there any?)


Of course it sucked. That’s why it got such low ratings, was cancelled after a couple seasons, and it never referenced by sad people pretending to be cool by not liking something popular.

Why do people feel the need to comment on articles when they know absolutely nothing about the topic?”

They almost certainly *had* another reason to fire the employee. Not even the employee claimed it was the cause of the dismissal ( at least in the article ).

You seem to have placed the word “other” in your request mistakenly.