
We believe her.

“Brent Weiss, CFP and cofounder of Facet Wealth, said that when people don’t start using credit because they’re afraid of getting in debt, they can end up at a scoring and history disadvantage.... 

URI is perhaps the only reasonably believable thing about this:

I’m torn between eye-rolling Corey and wanting to give him a 20 to buy a keyboard with a working CAPS LOCK key.

“To be fair, younger people are out there, we’re just fighting bigger, more global battles right now”

I wonder why they picked and limited their results to those years?

literally Hitler  ( I think that’s the accepted form of discourse nowdays ... ) 

“There is a significant pay gap between USWNT and the men’s national team, though U.S. Soccer claims that difference exists because USWNT “specifically asked for and negotiated a completely different contract than the men’s national team, despite being offered, and rejecting, a similar pay-to-play agreement during the

Perhaps if there was an author who’d been convicted of such a thing ...

Just because somebody says the phrase “conflict of interest” is no reason to 1) believe it is true and/or 2) parrot it.

The link to the extensive market research you are citing is incredibly helpful.

“(yes it seems unlikely she could be both a dictator and a pawn),”

No update?

Except “knowing Obama thinks he’s the man for the job” begs the inconvenient question of why Obama hasn’t, er, said so.

I understand you’re just trying ( and, I guess, succeeding ) to get some internet attention, but if you are really interested just turn to the Google machine and learn:

We could just overthrow the current government.  Look at the current utiopia that is Libya for a successful example.

...and enforcing existing laws.

There is no investment “some leftists” have, you disingenuous, ignorant troll. Venezuela is not socialist; Venezuela is a fascist, authoritarian regime who nationalized key industries for greed and power.”

Ignoring your principles while casting a vote is unlikely to prove democracy works any better than it did in 2016.

Why’d you sell off your holdings last week? Because, snark aside, that’s the only way you lose ( or gain ) money in a retirement account.