
Any word on whether Sandusky will be furloughed to be a part of the festivities?

Sounds like a case for his squad.

At least they were smart and got the dog out of there, hopefully with someone who can heal and love him.

This is intelligent and an efficient use of time.

Wish I had something more clever to say, but a simple “Man, fuck this guy” will have to suffice.

Man. Fuck this guy.

If you want to see monsters, just wait until your local newspaper picks this up on their site.

I think thats what patina is

The No. 2 won the Money In The Bank ladder match. Therefore guaranteeing himself a shot against No. 1 whenever he wants. Pretty common knowledge, if you ask me.

He should have hit him with a chair.

“You can take the Rams out of Missouri, but you can’t take Missouri out of the Rams.”

NBC is the fucking worst.

Who else is here because they thought it was going to be a story about Donovan McNabb?

Why your league sucks: The NFL.

Now playing

Happy Monday! Here’s one of my all-time favorite bands with my favorite singer. A Perfect Circle / 3 Libras:

but his character made him that six-tool guy

Sports moments like those kill me. When the pretense of aggression is dropped and it’s just a game again; god, that is so much fun.

Boy, who would’ve thought a team with inconsistent starting pitching, an anemic offense, and a rusty pitching machine for a bullpen would lose so many games...

You really gotta respect the Cardinals’ poise and playing-the-game-rightness during July and August. Most teams would try to pick up games when the division leader goes through a long rough patch. Not the Cards, they would never take advatnage of another team like that.

Fuck you ESPN. Fuck you right up the ass.