Not My First Time at the Rodeo

This could have been so much more in depth. She's worked with Cassavettes, John Schlesinger, Neil Jordan…

LOST EVENT HORIZON. Greenlight that baby!!!

The music in THE APPLE is more memorable than the music in this.

This literally looks like a Funny or Die parody.

Maher is about as progressive as late-career Bob Hope.

"Mom….who's that…?"

FUCKING AMAL is a great choice.
I'd also add IMPROMPTU with Judy Davis and a pre-shtick Hugh Grant and VALLEY GIRL with an incredibly hot Nicolas Cage and Noxzema-fresh Deborah Foreman.
Two movies where the lovers at the end really seem like a perfect fit for each other.

I'm sorry, but Rosie is just not a very good performer.

The high point was Kate McKinnon's cawing delivery of the deathless "I'm not going to be ignorrred!" Props to the director for expertly aping Adrian Lyne's lighting and camera angles.

He was really good in that one thing where he played a complete dumbfuck..

Gurl, you are way too old to do "the Macklemore" look.

DON'T THINK TWICE. Who knew that being in an audience laughing at a human comedy that didn't involve people screaming at each other would be such a pleasurable novelty?

They both sucked, but I'll take David Ayer failing at "fun" over Zack Snyder failing at "heavy" any day.