Yeah, I like our new money! I never noticed the hockey sweater or poems...which is... eh... but I like what they’re made of and the colours for sure!
Yeah, I like our new money! I never noticed the hockey sweater or poems...which is... eh... but I like what they’re made of and the colours for sure!
A library room like Beauty and the Beast and a giant bathtub. That’s all I need to be happy.
haha I am the same. I’ve never even seen an episode of the show but I defend them all the time. I might start watching to become some sort of defense guru.
Yeah man, I’m not even THAT big (size 12ish?) and can’t fit in a middle seat between two people without feeling like a jackass that’s probably squishing people. The seats are tiny.
You are the hero this thread needs.
I saw someone attempting to carry a 50 inch tv on the bus in the middle of a Canadian winter. Dude. Call a cab. Call a friend to pick you up. Just no... He actually got off two stops after he got on which was good but also added more to the WTF situation, it would have been a ten dollar cab ride....
Second this. You are awesome!
You are not. Do not let anyone tell you otherwise. My mother cut off contact with her abusive mother (let someone sexually assault her from the age of 3-8 and defends herself on it plus a multitude of other emotional abuse and manipulation) and people still talk to her as if she is a horrible person for cutting her…
When I was a kid I used to only wear princess dresses ever. My mom would wake up extra early so that she could curl my hair in perfect princess ringlets. I refused anything else. Then I would go to school and run around and play in the dirt. I was a weird kid. I wonder how many beautiful dresses I ruined because I…
That’s Keto.
Once my mom decided to make spinach dip from scratch for the first time. I was very excited because I love spinach dip. She yelled at me from the kitchen “Hey! It’s ready! Come try this!” so I took a huge glob of it on a pita or whatever and put it all in my mouth. It was absolutely horrible. It tasted like a garbage…
I was thinking of cancelling hulu but now I am going to wait!
I guarantee you that you rock a maxi dress and look fantastic. I know even when you are headstrong to not let things like this upset you that it doesn’t always work. I was laughing but then I got up to go to the bathroom and make sure the maxi dress I’m wearing today doesn’t actually look hideous after I felt so good…
Also the makeup lady! Almost everything I know about makeup came from that show.
Yup. Since when is Jez all about policing women’s bodies?
Um no, this is not gross. This sounds like a fantastic idea and I am going to try it. You keep being you!
Yeah I couldn’t get through it. Not just because I love Maxi Dresses but because it felt super judgy. For the record I have large breasts and look awesome and feel comfortable in maxi dresses.
I could live in maxi dresses. Team maxi dress forever.
Yass! thank you. I agree 100%. There aren’t many shows on tv that have female leads that you actually care about it. Except every Shonda show ever. ShondaForever
I legitimately enjoy all the shows.