I actually saved the picture for the recipe... I'm on an extremely low carb diet right now and I feel like I am going insane. This might prove it.
I actually saved the picture for the recipe... I'm on an extremely low carb diet right now and I feel like I am going insane. This might prove it.
haha my pitt does that with my stepsons. I will wrestle with them and throw them around and she will start barking and growling at me until I leave them alone. I've had her for six years and these kids have been in my life for three.. She never tries to hurt anyone she just lets us know she doesn't like it.
Ottawa here. Definitely only ever get the mint ones! They are amazing.
If the men are harboring hope even after she has explicitly stated that there is none, they are the ones who are naive.
Anyone know if there are any Canadian companies that do these? I would like to try them out but am not willing to pay 15 dollars a month for shipping.
I understand that. I just think the way most are framing their response does not portray that stance.
I wonder if all the people on here bitching about narcisim would say this to someone who has PTSD from seeing the WTC on 9/11. Would you go up to them and say "it didn't happen TO you!". Or soldiers who have PTSD from being overseas (a lot of them never actually saw real action). My boyfriend has PTSD from military…
I commented somewhere else that those of us who work in these situations are taught that "self care" is one of the most important parts of our jobs. If you are not okay, you can't help others. I don't know why wanting to do something to help other people means we should be superhuman and not experience any emotional/…
When you are in these types of fields you are taught that "self care" is one of the most important things you can learn to do. They teach you this in school for social work, etc. Obviously this is a widespread problem with care/aid workers. It's really sad to see this violent backlash. There must be so many people who…
As a step mom of three boys, I would like to disagree. I suddenly became a mother to three boys at the age of 25 and have embraced it completely. In fact, the man she married seems to be the one who is wrought with disdain.
Her point goes further than people eating meat. Most of our daily lives revolve around the inhumane treatment of animals. From medications that are tested on animals to any science lab that is trying to cure something or better our lives. Humans generally torture animals and you are being hypocritical if you will sit…
I have a half blind dog that's also under 20 pounds. We live in Canada where there is a lot of snow. When it snows I let him off leash just to watch him jump through the snow that is taller than him and keep faceplanting in to it. I laugh like a maniac every time. He has fun, I think and when he gets tired and looks…
I have three boys and this post is so on point I can't even... They play it on the xbox and if for some reason I wasn't telling them to stop after a reasonable amount of time, they would play it all day. It is the most annoying game ever made. god.
I want to punch the whole world in the face right now.
I scored a 9 (Never knew I sucked at colour) and see white/gold.
I am at home sick and had to put this movie on immediately.
How the hell did this show run for so long? It is not and was never good. kthxbye
I'm in Canada so I'm sure things are a bit different but I remember being taught history by gym teachers forever until grade 10 history when we got a new teacher who had a MA in history. It was amazing and changed my life. History is so important, it needs to taught by someone who cares.
She asked to call her mom before and they denied her that. I mean, a police officer couldn't just walk up to you on suspicion and strip search you, let alone a fucking teacher. Are they even serious over there?
Yes. Someone do a story on this. I saw it while on the treadmill at the gym and I wanted to punch everything.