Are you surprised he has the ball to do it?
Are you surprised he has the ball to do it?
States can’t make laws that overrule federal rulings. This is a federal issue. If someone sues the state for passing a law in contravention of federal law, the State law will fail to pass constitutional muster. That’s not enough to overturn Roe. You’d have to sue based on the actual law, not because a state passed…
Honestly, I don’t see the crime here.
“like when I decided to become an overnight millionaire by investing thousands of dollars into penny stocks. I think you know how that turned out—within hours my net worth turned into pennies.”
Then stop letting your 4-year old watch the news and play a game with him, or have him go play outside, or do ANYTHING BUT WATCH THE NEWS...
Where do 4yo children watch the news? At home. They don’t choose to watch the news... it’s turned on for them.
“He replied, “No! I am not listening to him! Donald Trump says dangerous things and he hurts people! I am not listening to anything he says. The D was supposed to win. I am so mad at this”
God save us from President Pence.
Yeah great stuff. Glad we put up Hillary. She did fantastic. Only got 10 million less votes than Obama did 8 years ago. Glad we had the wisdom to clear the way for her and rig the nomination.
How often did you say Trump never had a chance? And yet here we are.
Don’t bother engaging them in meaningful discussion right now. They just want to name call and rage and lash out at anyone who did not vote for Clinton.
The blaming Gary Johnson is horseshit. If anything, he likely took more votes from Trump than Hillary.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz, is that you again?
Jezebel spent a lot of time telling people, especially Bernie bros, to fuck off. They did fuck off, and this is the end result.
You really going to demonize me because I liked neither Trump or Clinton and voted for the Libertarian ticket with the hope of expanding a two party system to add more alternatives? I understand you are demoralized with the results, but these sorts of tantrums and talking in absolutes that condemn people with…
I stole my parents’ cable company info and just access everything I want through their online account.
And then they came for the group gatherings, And I didn’t speakup because I could go to the bar; And then they came for the barkeeps, And I didn’t speak up because I could stream illegally; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time i was watching porn because, who cares about Jags V. Titans?
C’mon man, that’s not fair. Sox fans can’t write.
You know who didn’t fucking do this? White Sox fans, after 88 years. We had some dead family members too but didn’t caterwaul about it endlessly.