I’m all for the discussion, but there were multiple articles posted showing that your specific situation is more of an outlier.
You also haven’t posted any numbers...
I’m all for the discussion, but there were multiple articles posted showing that your specific situation is more of an outlier.
You also haven’t posted any numbers...
I would have thought that too... but... What do you really expect from a state that closes bars at 1AM?
In Penn (if I remember correctly, and don’t ask) if you do not stab / cut the head or torso (so only extremities and you can’t hit an artery) it only counts as aggravated assault.
Just about to say this...
Electrical shears are the best. A good pair of Klein’s will cut through almost anything
Appropriate excuse.
I keep a spade shovel in my trunk to “dig out of snow” (in NYC)
“Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue.”
Implicit bias is still an issue, racial profiling is still an issue, redlining (like what your president did only 30 yrs ago) is still an issue.
I guess it’s a problem because we take issue with the way we are treated?
“For some reason, unbeknownst to many of us, historically back college Bethune-Cookman University in Florida”
You mentioned the reason... it’s Florida...
It happens, I can’t say that I haven’t done that myself...
I’m reading your other comments, and I think we’re on the same side... I was responding to a pro immigration post and was indicating that the numbers do not show illegal immigrants commit more crime than citizens.
“There’s essentially no correlation between immigrants and violent crime.” (Jörg Spenkuch, Northwestern University, 2014. Published by the university.) He did find a small correlation between immigration and property crime, but only a slight one.
“I guess you can only stand your ground if you are white.”
And no matter how many times the numbers show that you’re correct, people like the one you were responding to will not listen. They will “feel” that you’re wrong. It’s sad.
That, or any type of Philadelphia fan... Seriously, who can boo Santa?
I kind of thought that the thing causing “any chance of compromise on any issue to become impossible” was the actual lack of compromise, and the my way or I’m throwing a temper tantrum nature of the freedom caucus.
That’s more because we didn’t vote... he won with about 26% of the total available vote. Don’t quote me in the number I’m a lazy millennial and too lazy to look it up (but not too lazy to vote)...
I was single digits until the 90's and knew something was off with him...
We are all the same.
With that said, it only took an act by the US Government to force people to treat us the same.
Additionally that occurred ONLY 50 YEARS AGO and that for the 300-400 years prior we were systematically dehumanized, disenfranchised, discriminated against, and treated as property.
To think that all…
Just remember science is a liberal hoax, and numbers mean nothing!
So... If I understand this correctly “the law is necessary to protect child placement agencies from persecution” when they discriminate.
Got it...