
I’ve stated this elsewhere, but, everything that people were complaining about IS DONALD TRUMP.
Businesses are shipping jobs overseas! Yeah, like the ones Trump owns.
Illegals are taking our jobs!, Yeah, like the ones Trump was caught hiring.
Taxes are unfair! Tell that to the person who is a “billionaire”, and still not

But they would have come out for someone who wasn’t Clinton.
Warren, Biden, hell even Sanders (the right would have done a hell of a hatchet job on him, but still). We wouldn’t have to deal with this if we weren’t forced to hold our nose and select the 2nd worst candidate ever (the actual worst won, and I’m still a

While we can all benefit from parents teaching their children in the way you are, to assume that Fred didn’t teach Donald what he knew and how he felt, and to take aim at the author as you did in the first post is a bit disingenuous.
The problem with Trump is not just the speak, it’s the actions as well.
He lost

That might be worse...
Pence is a true believer, I think we might be better off with the clown.

Donald might not have been one, but Fred was...

So... First, you did nothing to rebut anything I said, nothing at all...
Second, taxes were raised on the top percentile (income over 400k) by 4%, everyone else saw raises of less then 1% (
Third, while premiums rose, they rose at a lower rate then before the ACA (http://

While race might not have everything to do with it, it cannot be ignored as a contributing factor.
People who have never dealt with racism always claim that race isn’t an issue.
When was the last time you were followed around a store because of your race?
Or heckled because you were walking with a white woman?
Or had the

The problem with what you’re saying is that the change that these reasonable people wanted, is the exact opposite of Trump.
Every complaint made about what is going on in this country, and he had taken part in all of them
We’re losing jobs overseas! Well, he was someone who shipped them there!
Nobody buys American

No spin from me, and I understand the reluctance (especially with the political climate being what it is).
I just hope that you follow your own advice and not just believe what Fox, Breitbart, and Wiki “News” tells you.

Good luck, just not in the election ;)

If you don’t mind explaining why specifically?
I’ve had this conversation with multiple individuals and have yet had someone articulate “why”, beyond Hillary is bad...

They receive better outcomes because they get to pick their students.
They don’t have to take kids with learning disabilities, broken homes (the one I went to required a family interview), or other issues.
This leads to those better results.

Charter schools also get to choose their students.
As such they tend to offload the problem ones back to the local public schools (who now have less funding)

The problem that I have with charter schools in particular is that they still have access to public funds (reducing the amount available to regular public schools) and then they don’t have to serve the general public (they get to pick and choose their students).
Additionally they aren’t regulated well in any way shape

Is it?

So you do understand that it was an isolated thing that was restricted to two individuals, that making claims otherwise would have been erroneous, and there wasn’t any widespread voter intimidation committed by the current black panthers... Good.

Just because the state (hooray for states rights.... right?) doesn’t remove the dead person from the rolls doesn’t mean there’s voter fraud.

Are you talking about the whole 2 guys in Philly and got arrested a few years ago?
Or are you talking about the ones from the 70's that did it to prevent people from coming around and further disenfranchising African Americans? 

That was police incompetence.
My forensic science teacher was there. They had loads of physical evidence nullified due to the first police officer on scene contaminating the area.
They took a sheet from a communal area (Remember OJ used to live there) and put it over the bodies contaminating the crime scene.

In an open carry state.

Don’t forget the actual shootout, with an actual death (one of the protesters, but that would get you a felony murder charge in NY, as they were committing a felony that led to a death).