Beat me to it.
Beat me to it.
‘Your Approved!’
I write fiction, so always like to take the language pulse as it changes. My granddaughter lives with me and kept saying ‘Loki’ this and ‘Loki’ that. She explained what it meant, but it was literally over a year before she said ‘low key’ distinctly enough that I realized she was saying two words.
I’m not invested in the result, i.e. not a Sonic fanboy, but I kind of like the un-fixed version. Aside from looking less cartoony, the tapered limbs and longer torso will likely look more normal in motion (which is, after all how the character is visually defined) and convey much more body language emotion. As they…
Agreed. I didn’t think you were being judgmental. I got the light tone of your posts. Not everyone is a troll.
I have a more sympathetic view. People who find themselves with a sudden great windfall may be financially irresponsible, but even if they try to be financially responsible, they are not experienced or prepared for handling money. It may be they have poor ideas for how to turn their capital into long-term income.
Your examples do not work. Food (lunch) is a necessity. You think the unhappiness of eating less ore eating cheaper food is equal to the unhappiness of not buying a lottery ticket? How about those dark moments when someone financially struggling realizes how much money they’ve thrown down the toilet over the years…
Thanks OP. If people are going to be stupid, they should be smart about it.
The outfit looks like B just flashed Mardi Gras and it formed over her to celebrate her spontaneity.
I suppose for those who cannot/don’t cook, or for whom expense is no issue, not having a kitchen would not be as ironic as you suggest. But for those who have access to a kitchen, it is a cost savings over time which also provides many other advantages and conveniences I won’t bother to list here because obvious. So, h…
I suppose for those who cannot/don’t cook, or for whom expense is no issue, not having a kitchen would not be as…
Why wouldn’t you just buy the cut of meat you want and ask the butcher in the grocery store to grind it for you while you shop? Not like you’re not going to be there the five minutes this takes anyway. This is how I get my chili grind since they often don’t have that grind packaged.
Why wouldn’t you just buy the cut of meat you want and ask the butcher in the grocery store to grind it for you…
Domestication is kind of an overarching term for several different collected changes and probably would produce unintended consequences.
My network admin hat overrides my avid early adopter zeal. This sounds like a security nightmare. It’s hard enough keeping users from clicking bad attachments, bad links, and other security risks. Now the content is not only adaptive, perhaps innocuous during delivery, but only triggering malicious action later, it’s…
I’m in the group almost always calling for jets to cool a little before rendering souls to eternal damnation for human’ behavior. The social environment always feels super-heated.
Same one I allow myself to make here all the damn time.
I should add, that, excepting perhaps bacon grease, I usually rinse my cast iron out while it is still hot, before I even eat whatever I’ve prepared in it. Heated oil rinses right out and the hot pan dries by itself, avoiding rust. Later, I use the chainmail and a little water to scrape out crusty remains. So, I’m not…
My hack is to keep one dirty drinking glass beside the sink with a little water and soap in it, then I drop cutlery and things like the chainmail in it. Everything rinses squeaky clean when I’m ready to do dishes. I can even pour the soapy water in a bowl and use further if I’m feeling super-duper economical.
I meant to not reply.
I’ve tried scrubbing grills and my many cast-iron pans with multiple methods and never been so happy as when I bought a chainmail scrubber. It is the fastest, easiest, most effective, and least wasteful method.
Stuart Smalley advice, perhaps useful for those crippled by negativity.