Nothing to See Here!

I guess there'll be someone using SkyDrive and Outlook then.

"My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic + Other Free Games ($0) | Gameloft via Reddit | Originally $3"

It's constantly posting to Tumblr without control of what it posts, causing eyestrain to many.

Rofl! That'd actually be hilarious!

"I'm getting bored of your startup chimes Apple, how about I do this instead?"

Flush the RAM.

Who gives a fuck about the fish?

I think he was saying that towards Google.

Not funny! That lady had her privacy violated!

In the UK we get this:

Is this a joke?

Yeah, at first I sort of thought about it being part of drying your hair.

Yeah but it has a special icon, so I'm assuming it comes formatted for Mac to allow the icon there. And LaCie probably like Apple because they sell Thunderbolt peripherals as well.

I can't imagine that it works as smoothly when it has stuff in it.

I was kinda expecting the guy presenting to out do the piano maker's one.

Doubt it.

X-Pro-II is possibly my favourite...on most occasions.

This is something I was hoping would be added.

Sorry, but there's no way I'm sitting through 40 minutes of that guy.

It could possibly be useful if you'd like to find out why something doesn't exist anymore.