“I’m tired of these motherfucking humans on this motherfucking plane!!!!” - Sssamuel L. Jacksssson
“I’m tired of these motherfucking humans on this motherfucking plane!!!!” - Sssamuel L. Jacksssson
Would not be surprised at all if anyone of these dudes turns out to be a serial killer. Just saying.
We’ll git her!!! We’ll git her done!!!
If owning this car means that once I turn thirty I have to run from a kill squad. I’d do it.
Fear Me!!!!! Please?
Awwww....Yeeeaaah!!!! If the Batmobile was designed by a Mormon, baby!! You know it’s radical!!! They don’t even tell you about the custom Zima cooler in the back.
Rumors seem plausible or ridiculous only in comparison to previous experiences. This seems quite plausible. Honestly, once you’ve been involved in the business world beyond middle management level; it becomes surprising that the whole thing hasn’t collapsed.
No one gets screwed but the law as long as Judge Glasscock is around!!
Yes! It is hereditary. We may be a minority and only 0.00007% of the population carries the Pirate Aesthetic Gene; but we are proud and productive members of society. PAG is a real thing and your article shows the ignorance of real people. We can’t be firefighters, soldiers, policemen, and you most likely will never…
Whatever!! I’ll be that GUY then!!( You all did this! You’ve forced my hand)
The Wii U was the console that gamers deserve, but not the one we need right now. So we’ll trash it.
Major red flag here. A 23 year old who knows how to do the ‘art of business’ with blowjobs is SINGLE?!
So nice to finally see other people who know about Cube. It was always one of those movies where you thought you were the only one who saw it.
It looks like the beast cgi is an afterthought
Agent: “Wanna do a movie that should be straight to demand and will leave you embarrassed to mention it later in life?”
I wrote that song back in the 90's for a gay pride anthem. They hated it but glad to see it didn’t go to waste. So much coke and poppers back then.
I want a different Uncle Ben this time. Why kill him? You can just have him go; “Listen Peter, you’ve got to be a man in life. With great power comes great responsibility. Now I’ve got to get a pack of smokes.” He was never seen again. Turns out that Uncle Ben owed money and left to be with his other family in…
Sonic the Hedgehog is perpetually living that South Park episode where Indiana Jones was raped. When will we arrest Sega?! When will this stop.