Not Her Real Name Cathy

Christ guys, are you trying to hand West Virginia and Arkansas to Trump!?

He’s not smart, you can’t believe a word out of his mouth, and he’s a self-obsessed, greedy, shitty person who doesn’t care about the American people. That you could theoretically find someone worse or stupider doesn’t change any of that, and I don’t know when this idiot thinks not being the literal worst person ever

Wow, I used to think the performers on SNL must be smart, thoughtful people (for the most part, minus the obvious assholes). Not anymore.

I am usually pretty against parental alienation, but if your other parent is Donald Trump, I wouldn’t hold it against Marla Maples, you know?

I lived in DC for years and just moved to Atlanta. I pay HALF the rent I did in DC and live alone for the first time ever. I don’t love Atlanta, it’s fine, there’s cool stuff here, but I’ve only lived here for 7-8 months and I definitely miss DC, except for how expensive it was. I miss my friends a lot. It’s hard to

Yeah, seriously who is “they”? Doesn’t he own the pageant?

my worst Miss U.

I suppose if Velveeta is called ‘cheese’ then this is fine.

I don’t understand how any woman can vote for him.

Keep in mind, this is what Trump has stated he wants to do with our National Debt. I imagine our country creditors will look on that just as fondly.

WayneLaPierre will need several hours for his erection to subside before he can issue a statement.


Definitely the cotton mouth from the uppers. That shit makes you so thirsty.

The debate was also unfair because he was only told 5 minutes beforehand that presidential debates don’t have “phone a friend.”

Lmfao even the mic is conspiring against him now! What appliances are going #withher next??

Yeah, how dreadful that the person running for PRESIDENT OF THE FUCKING UNITED STATES BE PREPARED. That’s like saying somebody’s hair is too thick and lustrous or that their nails are too well manicured.

And, pilots have as much desire to get there safely as the rest of us.

I fucking love turbulence. I wish there was turbulence the entire flight. It’s like being in a rocking chair.