Not Her Real Name Cathy

+100. It took me 11 months of hell to get TransUnion to take 2 accounts with past due balances of 90 days or more off my file. Neither was mine and only TU had them listed as adverse accounts. Experian and Equifax didn’t, fortunately. My husband and I were getting ready to buy our first place so this really needed to

I’ve been walking around the house for days now mumbling the word “bigly” at random. I think my brain is still trying to process how any native English speaker could let that come out of their mouth.

Never said they were the same. I was taking issue with your claim that Bernie Sanders is “essentially broke.”

When will this country wake up and put her on the Supreme Court already?

Your attitude plays a large part in how our government got to be as f’d up as it is. You have no idea what it’s like to be Secretary of State or a Senator. I worked in the Senate for 3 years and my husband worked there for 8 and I’ll tell you what - we could have made A LOT more money working way less hours, but we

Essentially broke? He owns two houses and makes 175k a year. What world are you living in?

Jane has served as his chief of staff in the past and she took a 200k severance package after mishandling all of that money. It definitely should be factored in because according to Bernie, his wife handles all of their finances. Bad judgement. That and I’m sick of hearing that they’re too busy to release their tax

Yep which received NO COVERAGE on this “news outlet” whatsoever.

It was in a Jeopardy clue the other day and I similarly almost lost my damn mind.

Um, Obama didn’t exactly trounce HRC in 2008. He won, but not by nearly the margin that HRC currently holds over Sanders.

Yes. The other day, one of my closest friends, who happens to be gay (and what I would consider highly informed and politically engaged), said, “I don’t think I can vote for Hillary. I mean, she’s done a lot of criminal stuff and she’s only in it for personal gain and money. I wish Rubio was on the ballot, I’d

I don’t really care what she does for fun. Being President is a tough job. If she wants to focus on that rather than having fun, fine by me. I also don’t know why it would matter to anyone what the President likes to do in their downtime as long as it doesn’t involve anything sleazy. There are so many real problems to

+ 100. The crime bill example is a perfect one. Somehow her support for it trumps Bernie’s actual vote for it. Time and again. Both have apologized, but only his apology is considered sincere.

And it’s not just the loss of a child here...think about her siblings that witnessed the event. How do you ever get over something like that?


I had friends that lived in Meridian off Mass and a few of them were renting out the “sunroom balconies” as actual rooms. For $700+.

Yep. Or you can do what I did and pay $935 a month to live in a “bachelor” (i.e. no kitchen). AWFUL. My first real studio in DC was $1500 a month. Fast forward 8 years and I’m now in a 2 bedroom condo that I own with my husband in Chicago’s South Loop. Our mortgage payment is $26 more a month than what we were paying

All the stars.

Did anyone else cringe at the end when Trebek said “You go, girl!” to Logan after she won? UGH.

Especially when it comes to guns, women, guns being used to kill women, etc.