Not Her Real Name Cathy

He uses a version of this line in Charlie Wilson’s War, I just realized. “That’s why you’re my Press Secretary, boo boo.”

I always thought if I ended up on jeopardy and didn’t know the final question, I’d try to work in aleve somehow just to see if they’d keep it in. “What is all day strong, all day gone?” etc. Yep - I totally DVR this and watch it every night.

This woman’s wiggling around drove me crazy. My husband, who doesn’t get rattled at things the way I do, could hardly keep watching.

Ahhhhh I also wrote to Socks! My parents are the opposite of sentimental (but still super loving) and threw away the letter.

Thanks for posting this. I also hate the way media outlets use the term “domestic violence” to write off the whole thing in these instances though. 3 people are killed in a movie theater and we’ll talk about it for a week (as we should)..but...some guy takes out six children in Texas and his ex-wife and it’s an


I don’t know a ton of people who will admit that they’re trying to stir up negativity, but I can assure you that the behavior you describe with your aunt and uncle is not what’s going on here. I’m glad you were able to find a strategy that works for you, but unfortunately, limited contact was the choice we had to make

I love this! Right on.

I spend as little time interacting with them as possible. My husband’s family is as dysfunctional as they come. His parents are classic adult children that get jealous when anything good happens for us and will do anything to stir up negative feelings, drama, tension, etc. A lot of people say to us, “you can’t let it

I noticed this too with slate - it’s either rage inducing or just super immature comments that aren’t even funny.

Right? Just this morning I heard that some kid in WV yesterday held his class hostage at gunpoint for several hours until they were able to talk him down....I mean, I’m addicted to reading news articles all day so how did I miss that? And am I better off now that I do know about it? Just another day in America...

I want someone to watch this video and tell me easy access to all kinds of guns is worth this. WTF is wrong with this country? This morning I watched a segment about the children of the gun instructor who was killed when a CHILD lost control of her UZI during a gun lesson....they were promoting a ban on children

Sandy Hook, Gabby Giffords, Charleston, that guy in Texas that took out 5+ kids a week or so ago....I mean, yah, it’s hard to think that anything will ever change. We’ve had Presidents killed and several assassination attempts over the years, but gun laws are only getting laxer. I don’t even know what to say anymore.

The most annoying thing I heard over and over were people making comments about how little they spent on something or “deals” they heard other people got on things for their weddings. My now husband’s stepmother used to love saying, “my dress was only $85.” For one, that was 30 years ago and her second marriage

My husband and I are coming up on our one year anniversary next month. The issues we had going into our marriage are the same ones we have now, which to me is a positive because I was always being told I’d “see who I really married” after the wedding was over. WTF? Nope. He still can’t make toast without destroying

Somewhat off topic, but the vocal trend killing me right now is saying “right” at the end of everything. Especially when the statement is a fact or an opinion. Right? Right? No. UGH I HATE it so much! Men and women both do it (see Chris Hayes on MSNBC). I hear it constantly, but whenever I mention it or point it out

I heard a few of these reps say last night that this was without a doubt the hardest issue they’d ever debated in the house. HARDEST ISSUE EVER. Let that sink in. The issue of whether or not to keep that treasonous, redneck, racist flag up on the state grounds tested their governing skills more than any other issue

Question: what would you recommend to someone who isn’t offered a 401(k) at work and makes too much (when combined with husband) to do a Roth IRA? I should also mention that my husband and I have a shit ton of student loans and about 10k in credit card debt that we have gotten down from 20 in just over 2 years... We

There’s glass between us.