
XKCD is awful, and so are all these comics. Same kind of awful non-jokes. Jesus.

The great thing about a lot of this stuff is that it sounds like something stoned thirteen year olds would come up with to try to write creepypasta about.

It's a great solution provided that the retail copy doesn't cost as much as games cost now. Bump the price paid at the retail counter down twenty, twenty-five bucks and then make most of it back in DLC? Perfect.

I like mieville but Kraken was kind of disappointing genre-fluff. He can do a lot better and hopefully moving to the distant future will provide him with space to come up with something more imaginative.

@IvanDashSmith: The idea, as I understand it, is that the games aren't Bad Guys vs. Good Guys so much as two different groups of Good Guys.The Templars want to create a rational, peaceful, happy civilization, and the Assassins want to create a Free, Liberated one. It's basically just an ultra-sophomoric take on

@1Opinion: Macbeth grapples with eternal, recurring themes, which is why it's applicable. Kaneda grapples with his best friend turning into a giant scary psychic tumour monster in post-apocalyptic Tokyo. Akira's identity is more distinctive than Macbeth's. Genre fiction in general tends to have a more distinctive, and

@Dr Nilsson: Not on the drawings count since the problem there is content not technique. Could probably do better on the text though. Not really that hard to, since the problems with the text are all relatively entry level (IE Buzzword-addiction).

What killed Caprica is that it was a big hot tranny mess of a show. A lot of good ideas expressed in poorly paced, poorly structured, often incoherent ways.

@Asbestos_Underwear: Science Fiction can't have God? Someone should tell Walter Miller Jr, Arthur C Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Octavia Butler, Phillip K Dick, Frank Herbert, CS Lewis, Madeline L'Engel and Frank Herbert before they write fiction in which God exists and is the source of universal truth!

@seriousfic: Well to be fair contemporary Westerns tend to actually remember how shit and unfair life in the west was, and White Guilt Westerns are derided. Then again, film of any sort is typically much more mature than SF so it's not really surprising that film audiences hold Westerns to a higher standard than brown

It's kind of interesting that in addressing stross's first, ideological argument, the article rather pointedly avoids engaging with what Stross said and instead knocks down what the author seemingly wishes Stross had said, then goes on to make uninformed glurgings about how much better the ninteenth century was for

@PATRICK SWAYZE 2.0: Killing someone is killing someone. The end result is that a human being, whom other human beings loved and needed, is no longer in the world. You can dress it up with patriarchal trash all you want, but that's just a way of making something horrible bearable. Dolce et Decorum Est and all that.

@PATRICK SWAYZE 2.0: If you can't forgive someone for committing a rape or a murder you are a broken human being. Especially if you're sufficiently hypocritical to do so while also believing we should support are troops.

@Xaif: Prison should be rehabilitative, not retributive. To think that Prisons should exist to punish people is basically really stupid and childish.

Prison shouldn't be a punishment and if you think it should be then you're basically part of the problem.

Lame pictures and worse text.

@1Opinion: I was talking specifically about Efron as Kaneda, but yeah, White-Washing is probably a bad word for it.

@Toastie: On specialist blogs from pre-existing fans. It probably doesn't have nearly enough name recognition for them to be trying to cash in on the name.

@Jennifer Starling: Yeah, white-washing is terrible and the casting makes this movie sound like it's going to be terrible. I'm more reacting to the vitriol people seem to have on here for the very idea of an American remake of Akira.