That blue sure is nice, ut who can resist black and red awsomeness
That blue sure is nice, ut who can resist black and red awsomeness
Or rephrase that to include the words "brand spanking new Ferrari" ... I think hellz yes
umbrella or not that's probably the sexiest three-wheeler... after the peel sports car
Yeah but... can you sport a slapyourmothertastic 'tache like that?
Hmmm.. that low body kit makesit look less wide and disproportioned... also the chrome makes it shiny!
London has a wide variety ranging from the Carpenters and Beatles (Radio 2), Handel and Bach (Classic FM) to and enless repetetive and identical R&B singers (sometimes it's garage!)
@leavethegun-takethecannoli: times are tough... what are you gonna do with your money? Let it get stolen by weaponised hoods? No you're gonna spend it on armour-plating!
Nice idea... I wouldnt pay money for it
It's a nice simple design... it's not orgasmically pretty
@Baby Beater Benz: she and the guy seem to take the "lift with your knees" rule a bit too seriously considering it's yknow... cloth they're liftin
Looks just like a Mercedes CL with 4 doors
Wasn't black knight the name of some stupid eddie murphy comedy?
he could've bought himslef a nice camaro and spent the rest of it paying some goons to make the case "go away"
that spikey fruit is so fukin delicious!
round bottles, they always end up falling on the floor of the back and roll into the pedal area... now I always buy the squared kind of water bottles and have no beer cans in the car policy
Mr. Newman, or Miles Davis...
@SlowMo: he has a bottomless pit in his office
I saw that lambo sv just at harrods just few days ago, on that same street was a veyron, a zonda two more svs and a carriage... for the oil rich arab who can't afford any of his own product
I see that in the distance i'd run like hell
@MaWeiTao: No they didn't the hhr is a direct rip off with some of the curves straightened