Also, lol @ ''GAG''
Also, lol @ ''GAG''
@boosted-lego-wagon: You know, you can be nice about Chinese cars for once, infact no pictures of scince fiction characters allowed!
Wow, it looks like a b-movie future car from the '60s... on a (even lower) buget
@Edward: I was going to concur until I saw it's not an Alfa... Afar with you and your American tastes!
Spyker keeps sticking to the ''make it look like a fish'' design language:
@Pope Deartháir II of Awesome: Pfft... jelous!
The stupider part is the rear end... no science fiction artist has dared to creat such a thing!
@layabout: ''You know... hippies, gays and other such sorts!''
@Paul Y. can't think of a better, shorter handle: Now I've never seen a Clubman... something to be thankful for.
@racerx: To take attention away from the fail.
@idesigner: ...the ladder
@coupeZ600: Yeah... you'd be like the new Jesus for a while.
Holy shit... get a real problem!
@bzr: I actually saw two of those in one day, so technically not a fail... more like bad inetent.
How about the every car from the TG challenges... and the Renault Avantime regardless!
So like for a fruit and wheat smoothie you'd use a 1.6 Street-KA engine?
@oslo(w)motion: You're a real man - regardless of the white sun glasses.
@Maracas9: It does if you meet the conditions:
Even so it's a piece of junk and anybody who sees it will think that as well!