Or...you could just get into the habit of touching things that historically shock you with your elbow before grabbing them, such as car doors, door knobs, spouses, etc. Yes, technically you still get a shock, but it doesn't seem to be as shocking.
Or...you could just get into the habit of touching things that historically shock you with your elbow before grabbing them, such as car doors, door knobs, spouses, etc. Yes, technically you still get a shock, but it doesn't seem to be as shocking.
"Can I take it to an independent shop for a once-over?"
Yep. That front fascia is clearly trolling for plankton.
This is awesome. There had to be at lest one step between the anemic V6 and Mr. Fusion.
Excellent. This addtion to my vocabulary will come in very handy indeed...
Well, it's more convenient than waiting for it to happen on it's own.
Wow, from the angle in the pic that fake looks damn close to the real deal. The Fiero it is based on was likely backed by the UAW as well, so maybe it's not such a strange thing after all.
Awesome photo, and the best "wallpaper" in a while.
The buyer or the seller?
A 1986 MR2 with 137k miles, in mint condition?
Parents are lawyers/doctors/politicians:
What's with creating a concept cars with no aspirations for production?
Haha, nice work! That's the best one I've read in a while.
Oh, how I love the smell of freshly-peeled skin on the pavement.
Why not just cut through the chase and go for the Ferrari boat?
While it's not the hoonish thing to do, I'm kind of surprised they didn't all just stand back and wait for the T-Bird to become part of the telephone pole or adjacent building. Problem solved.
Oooh, yes. I forgot about Minivans! Although, to be fair, this one I understand completely.
I had my NPoCP trigger fingers poised to smash the "N" and the "P" keys, right up until I saw the pic of the interior. Now I just want to vommit. Yes gents, that hooker, is actually a man.
Well, I don't want to make any gross demographic generalizations, so I'll just say most of them aren't male.
No kidding...they're probably one of the most inconspicuous cars out there, but they're like cockroaches around where I live, and too many of them are piloted by really greedy and aggressive drivers with spatial relations challenges.