Nice work...threads over the next few days are gonna be barftastic.
Nice work...threads over the next few days are gonna be barftastic.
lol, very nice.
At least his mouth is closed (to keep the bugs out of his teeth).
hahaha nice!
I can't believe how tall that thing is. Going under bridges of any height must be terrifying.
Epic ride, tho she must have balls of steel to have painted it that color.
Same here.
Okay...aluminum chassis.
You read my mind...
My grip is that it's weak and cheap—man card intact (I like that, though).
It's not that I can't appreciate oogling disgustingly, but that's what google images and are for (not to mention the more unmentionables). Jalopnik used to stand as the herald of all automotive brilliance and absurdity, or in the very least, things actually having to do with cars.
I'm lookin' at that A-pillar and driver's window frame intersection and I'm thinking that's one F-40 that's not coming back.
haha, nice work, Claiborne! Your balls will certainly be sacrificing for the light for the vanilla ice cream, I guess it all depends on what your into.
Wut ze füken?
Holly Gallardo, Batman!!!
and that thing steers how???
Much like everything else Toyota ever releases, so what.
[scratches head]