
For what its worth, this was the low point of his career. It still gets brought up because he refused to go back in the game. 

Lots of coaches are racist, they look at the players as talent that needs to molded by the father they never had (even the ones who have Fathers). You hit this on all points covered.

Just to make sure I’m understanding, Black Tik-Toker’s are on strike, the way you can see there impact is by the low numbers of a black music artist. This would suggest their “impact” was to hurt a black artists numbers. Has Tik-Tok’s seen a decrease in any of the other mindless nonsense that can be found on that app,

What does it matter, when Kamala was on the campaign trail and it was pointed out she was of Jamaican descent we were told, black is black, does that not flow both ways?

So ADOS is divisive because we recognize that all black people are not the same, yet those same critics are here calling for Michael B Jordan to apologize because he isn’t the “right” black for J’Ouvert? 

It’s right, not a whole week ago the entire diaspora was celebrating Juneteenth, but how dare that black man who can only trace his roots to America choose to use the name of the Caribbean equivalent.

Kamala has already started distancing herself from the failure at the border, getting extra responsibility only looks good on a resume if the jobs can actually be accomplished. 

Makes those, “Calvin’s got a job,” and “365 Black (that only air in Feb)” commercials hit different. I understand why many people see Byron Allen’s lawsuits as self serving but he has a point and makes people realize while lining his pockets just how locked out Black Americans are. Bootstrappers simply can’t deny the

I was under the impression the use of the word female was no longer pc. That said some women have manly voices and vice versa. While I personally have only known one transwoman, said transwoman had her transvoice and then another when upset that wasn’t very “lady like”. Interestingly from this article mentions that

Sounds about right to me, Joe flat out said once Rory asked to be paid for Patreon he responded by removing him.

Not to mention, this was the adjustment, the original court only awarded him 270k for 10 years of labor, 100 hours a week. I doubt he ever see’s any of this money though considering the man is in jail.

Most women agree with this too, even if they don’t want to admit it. They believe that any man who is in the, “friendzone” is there because she put him there. Thus they don’t really believe any man really wants to be their friend either.

This might be the first real debate we’ve seen in ages, just two people answering the questions without cheering from the crowd to edge them on.

How long before this album is labeled anti-semitic?

I’ve been wondering when the first, “It’s to important, shame the voters who don’t want to support a candidate that will do nothing for you”, post would show up. I think we’ve got it here. For what it’s worth, Bernie showed himself to have no concern for black voters either, but at least his policies could help. Biden

The kicker for me is, the FBI investigated the KCKPD and found out about an officer who rapes black women in the 1980's and just kept it moving for 30 years.

He’s trash for that but being totally honest you know he’s not booking small hood white clubs.

Used to be pretty sure that was the plan when she dropped out months ago, not so sure anymore. Biden just proved he could secure the black vote without even campaigning, not sure he needs a black woman on his ticket at this point.

I’d add Bernie made the mistake of thinking POC = Black, further flattening an already diverse group. Bernie has been campaigning hard for the Latinx vote, and for the most part with good result in places they are heavily populated. However that does nothing for a poor black man in the South who probably has seen the

I’ve never felt anxious after head. Also I’d imagine the kind of job that allows you to smoke a bowl while working wouldn’t take much issue with consensual oral with an intern.