Good, I am absolutely flattered that you’re scared of me.
Good, I am absolutely flattered that you’re scared of me.
One of America’s biggest failings IMO is that we have the freedom to spread disinformation. Free speech goes too far when it gets people KILLED.
Will you tell the 1.3 million African-Americans in the state that they should be expelled from the country because they’re forced to live with the descendants of the people who enslaved them? Or shall I?
He didn’t want to make money off the players who played the game. He never said he wouldn’t sell it.
The author referred to the broader topic - heteronormativity - which is gender stereotyping which includes toxic masculinity.
The best starting word is farts and no-one will persuade me otherwise
They really shouldn’t stop with gaming subscriptions. They should target ALL online subscription services. It’s criminal that these services could just automatically charge your account without forewarning. It should also be something a person has to manually turn on, and should definitely be something that can be…
Yeah, this article clearly doesn’t understand the situation. I’m not saying the GTARP community is civil, far from it. But to make this article about the community harassing him when he and his community is the single largest source of toxicity both in game and out, is laughable. Once he passes the 8 hour mark or so…
I see I am earning dudebra’s disapproval! But as someone who enjoyed the fact that i could buy a two-pack of Little Debbie Nutty Bars for a quarter in the late 80s/early 90s during my poverty years and who still occasionally buys Little Debbie products, my reaction on seeing the photo accompanying the article was “Oh,…
I mean, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism and no company worth $1.4 billion (as parent company McKee Foods is) is going to be without skeletons in their closet, but when compared to the mega-giants of Kellogg’s and Mars, Inc they’ve gotta be at least a little better, right? Or are you talking about…
Haha, Wang.
“But they don’t get it for now.”
Let’s all say it together, folks:
Same reason Phyllis Schlafly didn’t...because God understands when you have to go on the lecture circuit to put the bad women in their place.
He’s not Majority Leader, so he can’t do that. Schumer will set the schedule for the nomination process, thankfully.
I was watching some silly NBC morning show when they interrupted the broadcast for this breaking news. The don’t do that for just anything when it’s network television, so I knew it was going to be something big - not going to lie my first thought was to hope the Cheeto finally choked on some KFC - and I screamed YES…
I think she’s just using sex as a crotch.
Oh right- That just disappeared also!
You could have played it on your phone’s browser you giant ass.