Oh god, rereading this in 2020 is just physically painful
Oh god, rereading this in 2020 is just physically painful
I moved straight out of my parent’s house and into my husband’s in my early 20s, and I do not recommend it. After our divorce (surprise! I’m gay!) last year, I found myself needing a roommate for the first time. A friend had a finished attic space in her house, and let me and my dog move in for six months as a trial.…
I *genuinely* despise people likening things to Handmaid’s Tale but good lord if that’s not the Fred and Serena of our times....
Last year, I decided to treat myself at my favorite local Mexican place, because it had been a hell of a day and my divorce was being finalized and I just... really needed a taco.
Welp, walked two feet into the restaurant, slipped on a tortilla chip. Two years of roller derby training told me to fall directly on my…
To the asker- my marriage ended last year when I finally came to terms with the fact that I am a massive lesbian. It was hard and impossible but, here I am, a year later. Surviving was hard, and knowing how much my exhusband was hurt was so hard. But it was the right choice and I firmly believe you’re going to do the…
There’s like... a weird amount of people from the midwest that have come to Bangor, specifically Minnesota! Not a bad thing, just really funny. Most are professors at the University.
I know the fun take is “well yeah, we know”. And I agree, she’d been coded as gay FOREVER
But having show creators explicitly say “this character is queer, and executive meddling is what kept us from showing that” has me feeling ALL the things. Like, how cool that this character I love is *confirmed* and it’s not just…
I cannot recommend the app “Forest” enough. Basically it locks you out of your phone by planting a little pixel tree. You can choose to whitelist some things like your music app or texts. You set the timer, and the tree grows. If you stop it, it dies. It’s a cute little guilt trip that has shown me exactly how often I…
What a fucking read. I can’t imagine the amount of willful disregard for peoples’ lives that it took for her to email you. Just... the IDEA of saying “these people suck” while also having committed your entire being into supporting their cause.
I don’t want to tread into “no true Scotsman” territory, but this lesbian…
I moved to New England from the south awhile ago, and damn I miss the sound of cicadas. I get entirely too excited when I hear them in game
There’s something really satisfying about the diving and swimming sounds in the game, and I enjoyed the hell out of it this morning. It’ll have to do this summer, since I can’t go up to camp like I normally would.
My friend is coming over this afternoon to day drink and tie dye a bunch of random stuff. We haven’t actually hung out since everything started, and we decided tie dye is an easily done while social distancing outside activity. I’m pumped.
Seeing a looooot of comments saying they’re just ordering from Amazon and fam, I URGE you to find the Raven Bookstore’s recent twitter thread about why that’s just completely undoing all the good karma points you’re trying to get by reading those books.
Use bookshop(dot)org if you want to shop online- they support…
...Why would you order it on Amazon instead of just... another indie? Like. Amazon is absolutely killing indies and undid all the goodwill points you were trying to get for yourself.
There are HUNDREDS of indie bookstores in the country, almost all of which can ship. If you want an online alternative, try…
Thank you so much for this- I’ve been on the fence about getting this, even though I’m a devoted fan of the first game. There have been so many transphobic and misleading things coming out since the leaks, and it’s been hard to tell what’s actually real vs what’s just transphobic bullshit.
I think I’ll wait a few days…
I can answer this from a bookseller perspective- there’s a LOT of discussion in the industry right now about if it’s even possible for a store to be apolitical (no, because we all personally curate our selections), and do we need to speak out?
This is an argument happening in a *lot* of industries right now, especially since now everyone is discovering most office jobs can be done remotely. Publishing in particular- I work in books, and there’s a lot of discussion about WHY do we need all the pubs in New York? Why are they intentionally keeping out…
You should do a piece about the Bangor PD FB, and Tim Cotton, who runs it They hit national attention a few years ago because of the “Duck of Justice,” and since then, Officer Cotton has made a bit of a name for himself. The page has a regular column where they talk about who they picked up onwarrant this week (no…
As someone who has lived in Bangor most of her life, I can attest- it really do be like that.
Like. I love it here so much but sometimes I forget about what this all must look like to people from away.
I fully rolled into this blog thinking it was going to be about Cam Giganet.