I have to deal with the in laws thing all the time. They actually live next door to me, and I’ve spent COUNTLESS nights “sick” because I just can’t handle how they think “thatidiot man in the White House” is appropriate dinner conversation in public.
My husband’s family takes a big trip every year or so. There’s usually around ten of us, and most of the time we use a local agent. It’s SO much easier, and sometimes the deals are better. We take care of flights ourselves, because we have to coordinate people coming from every corner of the country, but the rest is…
All I want to do is beat my head against a friggin wall. I used my damn birth certificate AND social security card when I got my license, and now that’s pointless?
My favorite part was when Trump was basically like “I know a guy whose kid got vaccinated and the kid came out with autism”
And you’re just going to stop THERE?
I got my Mirena back in June, after being told there was a slight chance that in 6 months or so my periods would stop.
Drunk you has good taste
Not online shopping exactly, but I was REALLY drunk at the county fair, and they had one of “get the ball in a cup and win a fish” games. I couldn’t get the ball in to save my life (hurr hurr), so I lied and told the lady that I’d won because in my drunken state, I felt REALLY BAD for all the fish. My ploy worked, I…
That’s not being “in love with an era”, that’s straight up fetishization. Her blog just SCREAMS “look, we’re better than you!”
It’s sweeter, so you drink it faster. Drinking faster means forgetting that the world is a terrible place faster, yeah?
Probably because he has nothing to do with them, and there’s nothing they could do about it?
when she said glitter I screamed ‘OH GOD HONEY DON’T DO IT”
I’ve been miserable for a few days because I have bronchitis and am on bedrest.
“blah blah blah taking away my constitutional right blah”
Ditto. I was raised in a “if you’re going to do it, do it where I can supervise” house, and as a result my little brother, who had a beer or two when he was a teen and went to a few parties, doesn’t give a shit about alcohol at the ripe old age of 21.
Forwarding to my husband. I have a really hard time with feeling like we SHOULD have sex, because the quickest way to make me not want to do something is to make me feel like I have to. It’s a stupid vicious cycle, because the more time passes without sexytimes, the harder it is for me to feel comfortable. It’s…
Stay classy, Manassas.
That was boring.
That look Miley threw when she said “losers”, though!