Except they haven’t. They are in the process of building bigger service centers, but if they actually sell 500,000 cars next year, their infrastructure is not anywhere close to big enough for the service volume.
Except they haven’t. They are in the process of building bigger service centers, but if they actually sell 500,000 cars next year, their infrastructure is not anywhere close to big enough for the service volume.
It’s as exciting as a Camry.
Find a replacement for Adam. He is just annoying.
Both Custer and Austin are related to high profile NASCAR guys, so NASCAR was probably afraid of touching either for fear of Joe Custer (Stewart-Hass and Hass F1) or Richard Childress busting their ass.
Yes, let’s make all our strategic decisions based on the weather in Chicago.
There’s an asshole in every crowd. Thanks for being the asshole here.
Because my lottery numbers have yet to match on the tickets I never buy, I’ll never be able to buy a Rapide. But it is/was one of my favorite high end sedans.
I would tell my teenage self to keep on doing, just with fewer tickets. I had a helluva good time in my teenage years, driving the crap out of my GTI.
I spend a lot of time in the VC world. The groupthink is contagious, so don’t assume they’re super smart. They lose almost 70% of their deals (at least the early stage investors do), making up the losses on a few big wins.
A billion dollar company with a negative billion dollar cash flow.
Uber will go down in history as the biggest VC bust in the history of ever.
Yea, this could totally catch on here! We could use an old Prius once the battery is worn out.
The guy can obviously drive a crab boat, but what does he know about racing cars on a track?
Still not as tough as any generic rental car. Those will go anywhere, as long as you pay for the insurance first.
The whole industry is a joke. A smart person would have developed the app and sold it to existing taxi companies.
Because they aren’t really that smart.
Civics isn’t required anymore, obviously. Here’s little clue: a president can propose anything he wants, but the House controls the purse strings. If the House doesn’t want to cut the EPA budget, it won’t get cut.
Exactly. I grew up with asthma in the ‘70s, before inhalers. When an attack hit, I had to take a little steroid pill and go lay down inside. But by high school I had outgrown it and was running 6 minute miles.
When hyperbole is all you have, you have nothing.