
@me_eit001: The tip was useful for someone, that was what I want, not start a meaningless discussion.

@kllngtme: I see it for sell in a trusted store, so it´s not fake.

@pleasenopuffin: I think I would need some Star Trek technology to recognize my handwriting.

@Mr. Mello: Im looking for the original version with subtitles... really the last time I open a bible was about 10 years ago (and just because I couldn´t find any better smoking paper)

@Mr.Wilson: Ahhh it was Noé! Thanks.

@FauxReal: HAhahah I get the joke when I see the video in the other comment...

Took me a while to get it... I knew him as "Noé"...

There´s actually some good other alternatives out there:

@drongch: Please dont distort my words... I never said "get a paid program for free" I´m talking about FREE apps.

@drongch: Yes but it is good to leave space for doubt and a hint for someone else who can´t run the official market at their devices or don´t have CC (or money on it).

@drongch: Sorry, not gonna happen.

@bobby.tables: I never said the word pirated, just free. And there´s differences between "can´t afford it" and "prefer free".

@Ghostnappa9001: Are you talking about 8pen or Windows Mobile?

Just when I though no one could make input method worse than Windows Mobile´s default ones.

@bobby.tables: Nop, I got it free on a contract, just like the apps. And I don´t have 1 app, I have 100´s.

Do you still have to pay for the apps?