
@neskasi: Agree, but as it´s a edited video, It´s not really fair to compare. Im sure without the editing it would not be sooo awesome.

I hope they do a better job with medicines than with Antivirus...

Looks like the hour and minute are displayed in the same dial...

Remember me a trash movie named Teeth launched some time ago... []

@rimplestultskin: Yes, but Samsung disable the OTA updates (just available trough a Shitty software that doesn´t work on any PC - tried many) and the Mass storage mode stop working after installing some apps...

@MissMarlo: I think it´s the most popular IM client in MANY places (inclusing Brazil - where i use to live - and Spain - Where I live)

That´s great... but with this money I have an "portable" A/C and some change for an Icecream.

I think Samsung´s screen is better than LCD...

@Decad3nce: Agree... Its a pitty they have to screw up the Android.

@Nick Hall: Microsoft sells VOIP calls... Oh no, my computer is a cellphone!

@tedknaz: Who, trolls in the comments? Where´s the link?

@Allicks: They need to find a use for it... otherwise, how they will convince you to buy a giant cellphone?

@rott: Yes I know... Despite not living there I´m Brazilian (the larger WLM usage) and working on MS.

@Augure: Congratulations, you missed entirelly the point.

@ethnt: Yeah, would be great some hi-res photos of it smashing an Iphone...

@taoprophet420: Ouch... I though ICQ doesn´t even exist anymore, bad joke.

Microsoft, official, Iphone?

Wait it to be rooted and them you can undo the sh*t Samsung made on Android.