not danny glover

Yeah, I’ll definitely suck up my pride and vote for her if need be, but she can’t make me like it.

Hilary Clinton, champion of LBGT rights gives thanks to Nancy Reagan, savior of the AIDS epidemic!

When did she come out and support same sex marriage? Wasn't it only like two years ago?

Or the Jim Kelly led Buffalo Bills

Literally no one said she caused AIDS. They're mainly just posts about how the hilbots refuse to acknowledge she fucked up.

Absolutely no one has blamed her for the AIDS epidemic

I feel like Hil really wanted to thank her for the war on drugs

I don't remember being taught to flat out lie about the dead

So far the likely most accurate depiction of Jesus comes courtesy of Adult Swims ‘Black Jesus’

She should have praised the Reagans for bringing all those super-predators to heel with the highly successful and much applauded War On Drugs

I don’t know what the general consensus is amongst white people regarding the Reagan Legacy but...

Wait what happened between her and West?

They all float down here, Georgie

Whenever I see her I say “ew” out loud, whether I'm by myself or not.

They all float down here, Georgie...

I’m 27 now and I won’t either

I dunno if I agree with that logic. Cancer exists and I don't think anyone likes it. Doctors are actively trying to cure it, as they should be doing with pancake butt.

I love the franchise up to Alien 3, then it falls apart. But I'm aware I'm one of the few nerds who really couldn't care less about Whedon (except Cabin In The Woods is without a doubt genius).

Is it just me or is that quote extremely hard to follow. Like what the fuck is he saying? You can be a violent, racist prick if your in that kind of shape at 78?

I’m convinced those voting for this articulate, long dicked bastard have given up on America and just want to see it destroyed. Honestly, this makes me feel better about the American people as opposed to thinking there really are people who believe his racist, mostly inaccurate bullshit.